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Hooray for me


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2 days of work from bronze, addy next weekend, kinda wanna work on cash pile first though.



Nice soo annoying them quests lol still need addy on my pure just cba to get them busy making money and training.


the shitiest paart in it is growing the effin cat (n) =.= still nice dude ^_^


You dont need to grow the cat you can do it as a kitten.


You dont need to grow the cat you can do it as a kitten.

I tried doing it with a kitten but it took forever just to catch 3 rats, so I went and did wolf whistle/trained agil/did gnome stronghold while it grew from 60% to a cat.

Gareth l Rare

Lol ive been meaning to get addys for like 4months

Just cant be asked to quest :lol: well grats and gl


Go straight for addy or u wont do it lol

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