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o0's 99 Range, Str, Magic Party -- 73 Cmb

o0 PK Vids

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Hey guys, so i'm sure most of you that look at this forum section noticed my training thread. Well this is the Party Video!

Now a FOE's Finest?

Feel Free to nominate for the next Achievement of the Month if you feel this is a worth while accomplishment.

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How I trained:

Range: 100% Legit from 1-99. Orges.Fire Giants.Metal Dragons.Blue Dragons.Tzhaar-Kets.Pking.

Magic: Alching/Pking 55-94. SoulWars 94-99.

Strength: Misc/Pking 1-70. Experiments 70-80. PestControl 80-90. SoulWars 90-99.


Honestly, I like my account. Made it the way i wanted/planned. Some may call me a "PC/SW product" and my reply to that is... My Hitpoints level is about 12 levels higher than the average pure my level.


Thanks for looking at this post  :nice:


Nice Job, get 99 hp?


Nubbbbbbbbbb, you have same hp as me and 17 more strength levels :P


Nice Job, get 99 hp?

^ I will this summer. I wanna relax and PvP for a bit though


Awesome! :)


Huge congratulations again, very nice!


"Honestly, I like my account. Made it the way i wanted/planned. Some may call me a "PC/SW product" and my reply to that is... My Hitpoints level is about 12 levels higher than the average pure my level."

I can still call you SW product because 1 99 stat = 87 Hp.

I didn't want to say you were a SW product, but just wanted to state that  :P.

Gratz on getting 3 99's at the same time mate!  ;D


woah, your pro :o makes me wanna make a acc with ur stats :P


haaa, really nice, not having prayer = ownage combat level =D I'll vote lol


Gratsjes. ;D

GL with 99hp :-*

- Dutch Lmfao ;)


great achievements in all but u seem to show off a bit, o well guess u can coz ur almost maxed


Grats. Time to go maul up pvp/new bh?


verder gaan

grats on triple 99's and gl on 99 hp i quess  :)


Quality acc mate.


maaan i wish i could get 99 range legit trainin lol  :P

AOTM fo suur  8)


"Honestly, I like my account. Made it the way i wanted/planned. Some may call me a "PC/SW product" and my reply to that is... My Hitpoints level is about 12 levels higher than the average pure my level."

I can still call you SW product because 1 99 stat = 87 Hp.

I didn't want to say you were a SW product, but just wanted to state that  :P.

Gratz on getting 3 99's at the same time mate!  ;D

-Hey ye feel free i do admit i got 80-99 str without hp xp. the rest was legit though. and i had the majority of those stats before SW came out  ;)

great achievements in all but u seem to show off a bit, o well guess u can coz ur almost maxed

-Sorry i dont try to show off  ??? just sharing my joy with FOE

-Rest of you thanks all for looking and for supports/congratz


Omg, your stats are what I always wanted mine to be :o


Omg, your stats are what I always wanted mine to be :o

Alot of training and you'll be there


Good lucky on 99 hp aswel.

  • 3 months later...
Mr.franchize 999

nice man ur not a prouduct its part of the game... between u n me as long u have the hp then theres no problem :P


nice man ur not a prouduct its part of the game... between u n me as long u have the hp then theres no problem :P

im going to kill you

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