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Basically I need anyone to upload ANY PK clips they're willing to spare onto Mediafire for me, if you've got more then 1 that'd be cool, it doesn't have to be pure clips it can be any type.

Post the download link here and thank you very much.

I will edit all the clips together and then send the video to you if you'd like to upload it or I could upload it to youtube and put channel links on it. :)

Either way is fine, I just want to do the editing.


i dont vid when i pk or i would send you some srry :(


i dont vid when i pk or i would send you some srry :(

Gareth l Rare

i dont vid when i pk or i would send you some srry :(

I guess this is going to turn into a +1 thread

Soo wacky if i was you id change tittle name to "editing vids free" and wait for someone to pm you/ post on other vids and say ill edit your next one.

Id recommend you gather free clips/rip them from youtube (give credit to who ever you rip/pm them and ask permission) to do a mini edit to prove you can edit other wise for all we no your just another Movie maker amateur

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