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GF N Ec Ta R

iM Psilocybe

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iM Psilocybe

Well, yesterday I came back to RS (4-5year break).  I went for a quick PK trip before i start working on barrows gloves...blah...but anyway lol, im pretty sure this guy is a popular pker (he is cocky no doubt about that.  But it was my 2nd pk from the break and i got a verac helm.  Hooray! :p

Posted Image

Btw there was some mystic in the loot to but i nearly peed myself so i didnt get a very good pic.


I've never heard of him, but his stats are beast, nice one, free 1.6m for you.

iM Psilocybe

hes a leader from the last pure

@Leader -

Soron L T

N Ec Ta R


or are they still even active?


No idea, never rly known anything about TLP, only ever rly looked at FOE and MM


Nectar is kinda newfagged but pretty kewl i guess. gratz on the drop :)


Nectar is kinda newfagged but pretty kewl i guess. gratz on the drop :)


newfag... come the fuck on.

he pked whips while you trained str on cows.


Nectar is kinda newfagged but pretty kewl i guess. gratz on the drop :)


newfag... come the fuck on.

he pked whips while you trained str on cows.

Doubt it.
Adam | LayDown

lol gf


n ec t a r or w/e is Totalynectar, Pretty sure he was like.. founder or leader of tlp forever

iM Psilocybe

Nectar is kinda newfagged but pretty kewl i guess. gratz on the drop :)

He seemd kinda cocky

but after following him around for around for a minute spamming (red: Wo0t i pked a verac helm!), i would get cocky to


nice drop, and gf tlp lol .

iM Psilocybe

nice drop, and gf tlp lol .

TY  :lol:

very nice stats on your pure btw

iM Psilocybe

lol gf

i love you :D


Grats on the loot.  :nice:


Not bad, my best loot was a DFS on my main :) I like getting barrows drops a lot though

zi damage zi

seriously i hate people like you i bet you would never fite a rune pure your level with barrows gloves or anythin like that. nectar is 20 defence what do you expect, atleast make an effort and get rune gloves


Nectar is kinda newfagged but pretty kewl i guess. gratz on the drop :)

He isn't new at alll. hahaaaaaaa :whistle:
hunt godlink

Not bad

iM Psilocybe

seriously i hate people like you i bet you would never fite a rune pure your level with barrows gloves or anythin like that. nectar is 20 defence what do you expect, atleast make an effort and get rune gloves

Hell, ive k0ed tons of rune pures with rune gloves+,  I prefer to fight them to be honest with you.  Im currently 81 atk and 83 str.  Which you may think is wierd because my atk and str are so close (also considering the average rune pure my level is around 70 90).  Yes they can of course hit on average, about 4 hits higher than me.  Considering i can max 33 most of them can max around 36~37.  Yet with my 81 attack it rips through their 45def like water.  They seriously don't even have time to hit back.  + My dds specs are always seem to be insanely high.

Why would I ever waste my time on rune gloves when i can currently buy a combat bracelet?  (Keep in mind im xfering all my cash to a 1 def pure).  That would be insane to waste my time on quest, cooking levels, etc.  Just to wear some gloves for a day or 2 of pking.

So please do not flame my post and it will be all good.  <3

Also, I was posting this because he is a famous guy, and I PK'd him + got a good loot.  I don't see why your complaining?


Nectar is probably the oldest active TLP member.

iM Psilocybe

Nectar is probably the oldest active TLP member.

Ive remember the name nectar from pking way back in the day.  Did he have another account, because im not sure if it was N Ec Ta r that i remember :S


Good job :]

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