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gz chris


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why'd u do it for him, he's such a lazy cunt shudda let him do it.




im sure he coulda done it himself, btw "chris" speak to daero and he'll give u more str xp and att xp its pretty good lol.



lol im going to be doing it for some kid in my clan.


Fancy doing it for me? :shifty:


Fancy doing it for me? :shifty:

ill do it, if you have req's and items redi


lol chris paying people to do stuff for him. nub


Fancy doing it for me? :shifty:

ill do it, if you have req's and items redi

Im 13 pray tho, this okay?


Fancy doing it for me? :shifty:

ill do it, if you have req's and items redi

Im 13 pray tho, this okay?

lol i did it on my pure that got banned, it was 12 prayer 31 hp and 30 cb >.<

yea ill do it.

wont be back till later today though.


Fancy doing it for me? :shifty:

ill do it, if you have req's and items redi

Im 13 pray tho, this okay?

dont trust him i see party room and all bank dropped by tj :shifty:


Fancy doing it for me? :shifty:

ill do it, if you have req's and items redi

Im 13 pray tho, this okay?

dont trust him i see party room and all bank dropped by tj :shifty:

rofl i don't need to hack people to be at good drops >.<

But yea get in contact with me when ever,

i'm going to paint for a church :)... ALL freaking day  (n)


Fancy doing it for me? :shifty:

ill do it, if you have req's and items redi

Im 13 pray tho, this okay?

lol i did it on my pure that got banned, it was 12 prayer 31 hp and 30 cb >.<

yea ill do it.

wont be back till later today though.

Nah boring_ffs hes been on forums a while hes safe lol

Ok mate give me a pm please when ur back (if im on)


Fancy doing it for me? :shifty:

ill do it, if you have req's and items redi

Im 13 pray tho, this okay?

lol i did it on my pure that got banned, it was 12 prayer 31 hp and 30 cb >.<

yea ill do it.

wont be back till later today though.

Nah boring_ffs hes been on forums a while hes safe lol

Ok mate give me a pm please when ur back (if im on)

sure thing


cal i do it for u if u get me 53 theiving


cal i do it for u if u get me 53 theiving

lol doing it for free :p

been in a questing mood latley, getting handcannon on tj.

Cal make sure to add me in game.

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