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Which would you use?

Wigan Gamer

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Wigan Gamer

Hi i would just like your opinion on this account (F2P):

85 cb

81 hp

93 str

77 att

20 def

43 pray

I was wondering is it worth carrying on this account when I have a very promising 54 account to use with decent money on already for supplies. When I made my new pure I forgot I had this character from a while ago lol

If I were to use this I would make members to get 80 att 99 str and probably 90+ hp.

I think he is failed with 20 def =( what do you think? I dont think 20 def is too big a deal in P2P seeing as you can wear mystic, but seeing as f2p is almost always no arm, it is wasted cbs.

54 stats are :

70 hp

40 att

73 str

74 range

63 mage

1 def

1 pray

I think both are promising but I prefer the 54 due to the 1 def and impressive HP. Just wondering what others think before I make my final decision.

Also I am going to melee F2P more so than range as it hits much higher and I prefer it.... this is whats making the decision difficult.


I would choose the 54, the other one is too high cb to have fun these days.

Wigan Gamer

ok thanks ^_^  I dont find higher cb to be as bad, less pj i find in f2p than lower lvl.

Just my experience though :P


That's true, but lower level pjers are more easily taken care of ;) Also 20 def is fail.

Wigan Gamer

ye the def is annoying me =( if it was 1 def i would use it definately. But in F2p is like 4 cbs wasted, such a shame, waste of 7m+ str xp lol

Can I really justify abandoning it just because of 20 def?


I would definately go for the 54

Wigan Gamer

Some people say 20 def is alright, But im unsure still.

Tbh I can't remember why I got him 20 def in the first place :S... wonder how it happend now.

Wigan Gamer

guess 54 looking better. Shame I have to get all that str xp again lol oh well

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