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Brown Bess

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Can anyone give me all the skills needed to complete all pure quests.


Do what Grifte said. Just get all skills 60 and that should get you most of em.


Tbh thats a lot of work


rofl don't get all skills to 60, just research quests reqs on tip.it mugs.


what do you mean by pure quests, like dt and addys?


(nop the answer to ur question isn't there atm, so u have to do some work yourself) ;)

fuck that.


u need ma skills which i cant give u any.


Slayer - 18

Firemaking - 50

Magic - 50

Thieving - 53

Agility - 48

Herblore - 10

Fletching - 10

Smithing - 20

Ranging - 42

Crafting - 42

Fishing - 10

Woodcutting - 35

Cooking - 65 (Use chefs delight (m) to boost to 70 cooking right before you need the 70 in RFD)

For 50 Attack pure 60 attack idk soz.

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