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Could you ever kill someone?


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I've thought about this for some time, there's so many situations that there is an outcome of you having to kill someone.

Usually Women and Children are off my radar when it comes to this, but then I thought about it more.. and shit changes.

1. Self Defense (Military, on the street, home invasions) - Say you're in Iraq, and a women or child with a bomb strapped to his/her chest comes running at you. Could you be the one to take the shot? It's hard to say, but I think I'd be able to.. survival of the fittest.

2. Anger - Get angry enough to kill someone? Here's where women/children are out of the picture. Myself, I have anger problems, was recommended to go to anger management but cbf. I think if i got angry enough.. I could severely hurt someone, not kill.

3. Revenge - Say someone killed/raped/tortured your child, your sibling, or your parents.. or close friends whatever. Would you seek revenge? To try and inflict as much pain and suffering they did to you and the person they did it to. If someone fucked with my kid, all rules go out the window.. I'd fucking go all out on the person who did it. I'd be more restricted if it happened to anyone else, I'd rather have them rot in jail than kill them.

I wrote this while dunging, took like 5 minutes. I'll edit if needed, add/remove.


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if i would actually be in a situation that i have killed someone, it would be a pure accident.

Throwing a rock at someone while trying to break into a house by smashing the window, resulting in their death for instance.

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1) Yes. Stupid fucking arabs. Also if it comes down to me or someone else, me always.

2) No.

3) Depends, if it was easy to locate them, and i could go like light their house on fire, yes.

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1) Yes. Stupid fucking arabs. Also if it comes down to me or someone else, me always.

2) No.

3) Depends, if it was easy to locate them, and i could go like light their house on fire, yes.

This, pretty much. apart from on 3, I'd probably torture them first then set the house on fire with them in it.

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1: of course, don't wanna risk the lives of my comrades or whatever. Itd take me time to pluck the courage to shoot a child though. Just gotta remember if i dont theyll kill me first.

2: no, i get angry but don't fight, i only fight if i get hit first. However i think i could accidentally kill someone, like a massive blow to the temple.

3: yeah, i'd fuck em.

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Yes, i too have anger problems but refuse to go to anger management or shit :D.

I reckon i could kill someone but being faced with a prison sentence could deter me from doing it. Unless they have computers in prison, then i wouldn't care ;)

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Yes, i too have anger problems but refuse to go to anger management or shit :D.

I reckon i could kill someone but being faced with a prison sentence could deter me from doing it. Unless they have computers in prison, then i wouldn't care ;)

drop the soap for membership

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1.) Yes

2.)I'd like to say no, but fuck, i've been in a few fights where after i left i really thought i killed the guy so its hard to say, i wouldn't purposely do it, like pull a gun or stab someone, but if you accidentally hit them in the wrong spot with enough force, its quite easy to do i'd imagine.

3.) Fuck yes, if someone raped my child or killed someone i loved, i would murder them SO HARD

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1) Yes, ive been told to join the army cause people think i wouldnt batter an eyelid if i killed somebody

2) Yes, but i dont want to so thats why i do cage fighting in a controlled environment :P

3) Yes, i would destroy anyone that done anything to my family/close relations

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Guest Emote|Muse

I wouldn't mind killing a person if it was justified.

Although I've dreamt of someone coming in my house at night trying to break in/rob me ETC and me killing them. If that was to happen for real I wouldn't feel anything either, really. Would be kind of neat.

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I'd just like to add my point in this one, as for the 1. Millitary.  As I'm in the millitary,

I could tell you as much as you wanted to know about it life style/Tours/Team work.

I just want to point out, no millitary soldier is actually allowed to tell anyone if they have killed.  It's highly

against the millitary law, infact it's against the law full stop, and you could go to jail for it.  

If, anyone comes 12M to you, you're legally allowed to kill them, ( obviously with a warning )

I could indeed, kill and yes I wouldn't feel ashamed of my self, if I knew I killed to save my life/or a friends/familys life.

I couldnt kill just because i was Angry.  Thats the sign, when you need to go to a mental home, put it this way.

You're not angry for life ( unless you have problems )  Why take someones life away, just because You're angry, if it was like that I would of killed 1000's of people by now.

Revenege, at the end of the day revenege get's you know where personally, but yes... I could do this.  I'd love to kill for revenge, but i wouldn't love being put into jail.  That's

my only problem.  

People, who say *OH YEAH I COULD KILL THIS/THAT*  Think about it really... honestly do you think you could live, the rest of your life knowing you have killed someone/something?

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1) Yes. Stupid fucking arabs. Also if it comes down to me or someone else, me always.

2) No.

3) Depends, if it was easy to locate them, and i could go like light their house on fire, yes.

my thoughts exactly

fucking arabs

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