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My Achievement's.


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[glow=red,2,300]My Runescape Achievement's.[/glow]

Well, I though I might aswell make a Achivment's thread.  My account's are not as great as most of the people on here, but to me it was allot of hard work to go through, and create these.  

I started playing Runescape in 2002, I was 10 year's old when i started I didn't know much about the game at that stage in life, which is obvious as everyone starts off new.  I began, my real Runescape adventure when i was about 12 years old, this is when i got really stuck into Runescape, everyday I come home from school, and played it untill I had to sleep.  I guess, thats rather sad but really I loved the game/still do.  

Well this, is my Ranged/Summon tank, combat 76.  Soulwars, yes i know my hp sucks.  But by the time I'm 99 ranged, Im sure my HP isn't going to be as bad as it is Ha.

It took me 4 months, to get 99 defence, in sw.  Pretty slow could of been done faster, but I got on as often as I could.  Here is the picture, of my tanked account.

My account is called:Stasha_I_Luv



Ok, so that was my tank account, now its time for my main.  This was my first ever Runescape account, and it indeed was allot of hard work to level.  I went through bad stages on this account, I quit about 5 or 6 times dropped all my items and so on.  I wish i never did that tbh, as I would have allot more Rsgp, then I do have now.  Here are the picture's of my account.

My account is called:I_Luv_Stasha



Well, that's it for my account's, there not the best I do know that, but I love them Ha.  Hope you guys enjoyed the pictures! (:  

Regards, Will.


make pure lol


Nice accounts, GoodLuck with future goals.


oh nice

HaHa, thank you, not that great though!


nice slayer and gl on range tank looks like a good future on that acc


Gl man, make a pure for foe?


Gl man, make a pure for foe?

Yeah, I think I may just do that I'd love to pk with you guy's you're truly the best runescape pure clan around.


nice tank O_O (and main :p)

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