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1 step closer to a master head crusher

huge n hairy

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Your Attack is Lower than your Defence. Thats a  :omg:


prolly the weirdest stats ive seen on an acc. its unique


Are you planning on getting piety?


Interesting acc, nice stats.


Awesome account.

Maxed tank with 99 str, and the str levels don't effect your cb with 50 attack.

Great for F2P Pking too.



Wow, thats is unique!

Congrats there, nice stats!

huge n hairy

Yeah its very fun... Deffinatly able to stand against all accounts in some way or another... I can face tanks, i can slowly but surely kill rune pures... Mains i can range f2p is just..... a joke with this account due to the fact that eventually being a maxed tank with 99 strength is just broken. I might have trouble with nate once im maxed because he rules ^.^ .... but i don't think ill be putting my friends to the test unless they want to test me. I feel it will work very well once its complete.... The sad part is , it was once a rune pure meant to only be used on f2p.... Being 50 90 40 - 90 range and when the wilderness was removed i got defence and prayer to try to make my place in bounty hunter... Slowly shaping my stats around that.. I dont mind... Anything jagex changes or throws at me i can shape around to become the best.... But i wont ever be able to use barrow gloves witch im kind of bummed about.... Maybe mith gloves if im lucky. And i wont be getting piety, i will be staying 44 prayer. I have a few friends building accounts similar in their own ways... Unique accounts to create a new league of pkers all 103 maxed to the brim.  Its very fun right now and will only become more fun as i progress.



get 60/99/99 :d

huge n hairy

get 60/99/99 :d

Ahhh i want to but...  The role im playing in my team wont really need that.. the 62 99 70's will be clawing and what not.. I will be rolling hard with vesta though ;)


Lol'ed at your name.. Good luck!


huge n hairy

My name rulez


nice name, gratz on lvl and very unique stats :)


now thats realllllllllllllly weird!!

awesome though!


Weird but potentially good.


Nice and pretty weird stats :D

Would be fun to pk on an account like that.

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