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[EOP]►ESTranger1►| HIGH RISK K0's | BH / PvP Pk Vid13 | 500M+ DOWNED


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kinda boring but poeple downed for bnk makes it gd :P

oh nice hyrbding btw


Needs more mage/melee

Also u killed the same people alot which puts doubts in my mind i dont really believe they were legit kills half of them lol, but the ones that were.. gj


Needs more mage/melee

Also u killed the same people alot which puts doubts in my mind i dont really believe they were legit kills half of them lol, but the ones that were.. gj

same people alot? only 1 person died in this vid twice, aint my problem...

all clips are legit


sorry I just don't see the entertainment factor in this video :3


there's no entertainment.... the high kills look like they're phished or just your own botted accounts, no one is that dumb and if you were really trying to kill someone risking that much, would you bring a str ammy ranging with claws and no p pots or str pots? i think not, and the hybrid kills were shoddy to say the least....

sorry, but i give this a 1/5 purely because you tried...


alot of bank dropped, but your not the best pker. :S


for me its entertaining , i enjoyed it :)


the kills were staged obv, why would som1 with full infinity use swordfish/monkfish?...


As most have said, kills look and were most likely staged.

Also, you're not a good pker to say the least.


no combo foods?

and toggle ur avas so you dont pick up junk...


Not bad but not great  :unsure2:



Yeah, bad briding also..


Needs more mage/melee

Also u killed the same people alot which puts doubts in my mind i dont really believe they were legit kills half of them lol, but the ones that were.. gj

same people alot? only 1 person died in this vid twice, aint my problem...

all clips are legit

Lol there was loads.. definetely staged anyway everyone else agrees, just weird because ur other vids are actually pretty good


idk... its the no combo foods that got me...

nowa days your an idiot for not bringing them;

those atnd at least 1 p necklace.


If those kills weren't staged, you're definitely lucky being able to find mains like that wanting to fight you.


there's no entertainment.... the high kills look like they're phished or just your own botted accounts, no one is that dumb and if you were really trying to kill someone risking that much, would you bring a str ammy ranging with claws and no p pots or str pots? i think not, and the hybrid kills were shoddy to say the least....

sorry, but i give this a 1/5 purely because you tried...

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