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Update by Berniej v2!!


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Yo dawgs,

Was on vacation the last week so couldn't get much done.

Still got a couple levels and some moneys:



Working on 85 str and 90 ranged, will take some time :).

Also working on some higher thieving, 82 thieving atm going higher I think.

Just got 76 hitpoints and 84 ranged!




Nice one mate catching me up :p have to pk sometime :) <3


Facebook or MSn


Lol I don't do neither anymore man xD.

If I wasn't also to lazy to remove my facebook i'd already done it :p.


how do you train theiving man omg, i am 65 and this guide said to do those guards with full helms in ardy although shittest xp ever? what level recommend to start PP?


You have been De Kleined from from heart now


Gj man, added u few days ago btw :nice:


Congrats man :) Gl with the cash making :P


Gaat lekker jongee


nice ur getting same lvls as me :o 94 mage 90+ range 85+ str


lekker bezig freek

lol irl ^^

Grats met de leveltjes  ;)


how do you train theiving man omg, i am 65 and this guide said to do those guards with full helms in ardy although shittest xp ever? what level recommend to start PP?

You're able to do it now, silly.

Grats bro, GL with thieving, god that skill is annoying xD.


how do you train theiving man omg, i am 65 and this guide said to do those guards with full helms in ardy although shittest xp ever? what level recommend to start PP?

You're able to do it now, silly.

Grats bro, GL with thieving, god that skill is annoying xD.

Indeed, u can do PP at 65 ;).

And hey HMJ! I lended that fury from ya ^^.

Yeah thieving is an annoying skill but can be worth it.

Thanks for the comments guys!

I'll definitely update stats, almost 84 ranged.

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