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luring in karamja with tribesman poison was hella fun

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  • Berniej


  • Gareth l Rare


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  • Grifte



I rofl'ed at most of these, remember them all haha :D.

I always loved luring people by adding them onto your private list, walking into wildy and killing them anyway.

It's still used today, that's true but the point is that back in the day it was like more people were stupid rofl.

It was just so classic luring those nerds in full rune or d'hide :D.


let me max on you, take off your armour ill give you a full invy of lobsters

my mate is gna sell me phat cheap, i just need 300k more then ill sell and split with you

be in my pk video with ur h'ween mask? -drops 4 dragon b axes- omfg d b axes -specs out when they pick up-


I was like 10 when there was no trade limit so I was just a innocent nooby main =)

Edit: I remember when I was at that zammy wine place when a guy in rune armor asked me to get the wine.. I did and they shut the door on my So I died there was like 3 years ago.


Send a chap outside level 1 wilderness a trade request for food then run into the wild and pile him with your goons! :ph43r:

Gareth l Rare

be in my pk video with ur h'ween mask? -drops 4 dragon b axes- omfg d b axes -specs out when they pick up-

This was one of my faves

You get them to like 10hp and drop 4 of any dragon items noted

Their greed will lead them to pick up and bang.. bye bye rares  :wow:


On popular PvP worlds in edgeville Jim used to give low pures level a bronze spear and tell them that he would give them a charged glory if they couldnt kill 10 or so at edgeville hut in less than a minute. They would agree and within a few seconds sparks were flying above their heads.


switching 1m for 10k


I lured mostly

Also i cant believe people fell for this but i told them id sell them my sythe/bunny ears for 1m, only if they payed first.. and yes it worked LOL


Got a few mates then chose random ppl from fally to come upstairs and play the "trust" game to trade items then give back whoever risked the most won the 20m cash, me and 2 other friends would hand over stuff to make it look legit. THen they would give their sarah armour or w,e and we would log rofl.

Made no joke about 42m doing this.


"Put your armour on the table"

and then kick them out of your house.


Oh, forgot what cave it was, does 1 damage per second or so without a light source, lure people down there, bam.


Sell full dh set and switch an expensive item with a second more cheap item


Herb unid trick,

Made quite a bit from that.


That fucking quiz where they ask a bunch of questions to a group and give them lame stuff as a reward , then at the end they ask who has the most expensive thing in their inventory and they'd be like , ok hand them all to me and i'll check wich is the most expensive. I PROMISE I'LL GIVE IT ALL BACKZZ 


putting full veracs set then removing all, trading again and offer full set, no helm with another flail


"Put your armour on the table"

and then kick them out of your house.

I did that a LOT when construction first came out.

Was epic  :lol:

Gareth l Rare

Oh, forgot what cave it was, does 1 damage per second or so without a light source, lure people down there, bam.

Giant mole lure

Get a noob with 500k-1m to follow into fally, give them a spade and tell them to click on it

:lol: *panic*

Enjoy free moneyz


sell red dragon hide legs but say they were dragon plate legs.

sell rock hammer say it was a granite maul.


I believe I was the best scammer in RS, ever. I scammed like 50M+ in 4 hours. Any night of the week with a 95% success rate and with the chance of getting Paypal accounts too.

Gold sellers were always in Varrock west bank, level 3-5. People would go meet them, collect their gold, then leave.

Id create an account, dress exactly the same and set my name to something that looked completely alike. Such as 'Cage12' would be 'Caqe12'. I'd then wait for a trade to take place, wait a few minutes, add the buyer and say;

'Hold on, we'll give you the other half of your money in a moment, please wait.'

They'd play along thinking they're getting a free 20M.

'The rest of your order in complete, please meet at Varrock centre, we shall be with you shortly.'

'Before giving the rest of your payment we will need you to return the current gold we gave you, just so we can screen shot the entire trade for receipt perposes'.

They'd hand over their payments. I'd either logout or blag some more, claim theres payment issues and ask for Paypal details.


Have someone with a few mill/items to follow you, group tele to level 46 wildy, kill.

Challenging a level 120  to stake his Phat for fun in a ranged only duel on your level 30... disable shields and use rune knives.



Fucking noob:ok

me:let's go deep i saw a lvl 21

fucking noob:sure u lead

* once 30+ in wildy*

*3 of my mates come along*


fucking noob:omg@@@@@@@@@@

Be a girl character and go varrock square and ask some dude "hey do u wanna be my bf?" then they'd be like "yes sure". then be like"since ur my bf, shouldnt u give me something".

"selling runescape membership, only 200k!"



Fucking noob:ok

me:let's go deep i saw a lvl 21

fucking noob:sure u lead

* once 30+ in wildy*

*3 of my mates come along*


fucking noob:omg@@@@@@@@@@

Be a girl character and go varrock square and ask some dude "hey do u wanna be my bf?" then they'd be like "yes sure". then be like"since ur my bf, shouldnt u give me something".

"selling runescape membership, only 200k!"

use this as ur sig http://img574.imageshack.us/img574/7485/101103175609.png

ot: i always tried the mole lure but never worked out, i did the obby cape one tho, where you would trade a black cape for 300k


Haha i remember when i was like 40 xp off 70 craft and said 'cutting gems!' and i got muted for a week,was devastated  :(

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