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Oldschool scams


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Free lobsters show me your inventory!!  <worked great made 10m and split it with my friend who helped me transfer back in the day lol

Me: "Hey my mom said i could get 2 accounts rs members for my birthday. Do you want one?"

Noob: "sweet! sure!"

Me: "ok Ill need ur pass real quick so i can log on and make you a member"

Noob: "tells pass"

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if u give me ur password ill get you all 99s


oh yeah and fighting people in your house and then stopping when they where low hp. Then trick them to smith granite (I think that was it) and it will deal damage on them killing them and saying that you killed them.


Have someone with a few mill/items to follow you, group tele to level 46 wildy, kill.

Challenging a level 120  to stake his Phat for fun in a ranged only duel on your level 30... disable shields and use rune knives.

Last one never works with a guy with partyhat. Atleast.. not most of them lol.

I've done it before though, putting up 6m for a whip ( doubling price ofcourse ) while you were half their combat.

Puttin on magic + move on and I was like 65 magic at 45 combat so snare + god strikes worked fine :D.


I used to do a scam with the "Skewer" from rfd when rfd came out. It would be me and two buddies at eigther varrock or fally and they would spam like buying skewer for 10m or like trading my phat for a skewer! I would be at the other bank or in the mid saying trading skewer for best offer, but we would like target noobs with whips or drag lol.


Or another one lol, when slayer came out and the first granite mauls were 10m you would wield it and say selling my weapon! Then you would trade a rock hammer lol.


[me=Zero_Zero]posts that i'm selling something on forum[/me]

someone pms you, you get talking to them, find out their combat

tell them to come edge because you're woodcutting

you're actually woodcutting 2 steps into wildy

friend runs down and kills them.

Almost happenened to me but i got away on my brothers account o_o


[me=Zero_Zero]posts that i'm selling something on forum[/me]

someone pms you, you get talking to them, find out their combat

tell them to come edge because you're woodcutting

you're actually woodcutting 2 steps into wildy

friend runs down and kills them.

Almost happenened to me but i got away on my brothers account o_o

I never got lured into wildy, I understood this one because it's just 2 steps into wildy but if you know your gonna be close to wildy

it would be a big no no for me. especially when that person doesn't want to come to you.

I dunno.. I always saw through people with those things.


Have someone with a few mill/items to follow you, group tele to level 46 wildy, kill.

Challenging a level 120  to stake his Phat for fun in a ranged only duel on your level 30... disable shields and use rune knives.

Last one never works with a guy with partyhat. Atleast.. not most of them lol.

I've done it before though, putting up 6m for a whip ( doubling price ofcourse ) while you were half their combat.

Puttin on magic + move on and I was like 65 magic at 45 combat so snare + god strikes worked fine :D.

You're making me miss staking bad. Jagex are fucking morons for ruining our game.


i remember the old days when i and my cousin were luring f2p noobs to old gate:D

we told them that they get free p2p if they go there and then we dropped them:d

i often used the noted rune scim noted iron scim scam and i told them that i give them "rare" elemental shields if they trade me money. i told them that i drop them and i usually got around 1m per shield:D

but best was if i needed something from my cousin he traded me

but now its all over...


funniest when people 1 iteming with a rare in wildy, thro a gnome ball at them and kill em rofl


funniest when people 1 iteming with a rare in wildy, thro a gnome ball at them and kill em rofl

LOL :lol:

Saw someone do that once, was too noob to understand what he was doing, thought that he was just joking around.  :lol:


another post:

I loved kids trying to lure me by dropping 3 d b axes.. just picked 2 up and walked away :)

thick kids were amusing


Big trades of items 10k+ swaping to 1k. Free sharks trade invy for space. selling full verac with 2 skirts and no helm.


Upgrading bronze to mith for free...

^This was way back in 2001 on my 2nd day of playing i fell for it and cried

selling granite maul - switch to rock hammer

funniest when people 1 iteming with a rare in wildy, thro a gnome ball at them and kill em rofl

My mate lost my yellow P-hat, the dumbass


Oh yeah!! I remember a lure of mine :p.

I was helping this 'friend' of mine with a santa do the quest Lost City.

And there's one exit which comes out in wildy level 30 or something lol.

he lost his santa :D.

And I had a guy who said he had loads of money, we didn't believe him so we said 'prove it!' not actually thinking he would ( we were standing at edge dungeon druids ). He actually brought 18m cash and full saradomin lol, Tb + Wiz Spells = Owned.


lol the free food one and then you showed them all your items and they put the same amount of sharks up and traded you... some inception shit haha


The fuck you virgin nerds know about scamming and hacking.


sell g mauls (puts in rock hammer)


^ most rares have an alch value of 1gp, so pretty much anything protects over them. When you see someone 1 iteming with a rare in wildy to show it off, you throw a gnomeball at them, then the gnomeball protects over their rare. You kill them, and even though you loose your precious, easily replacable gnomeball, you get a rare.

An old trick with staking, when someone is really eager and you can tell they're rapidly clicking accept, you deselect no food, and then you mass eat while owning them with their 0 food invy.


lol put keylogger on ur comp have ur frend come over to ur house when he leaves trade his stoof to ur acc

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