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Hey, used to play way back and have some questions about the new Runescape


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I doubt anyone here would remember me, I'm sure all my old friends have quit by now.

Anyways, I just logged in for the first time in a long time, and was wondering some questions.  First of all, is there any way to transfer money?  I remember them cracking down on that and trying to come back to Runescape, but quit because they messed up the trading and my red mask was on a friends account.  And I only have around 10m odd dollars on this account so that won't last me too long.

Also, are there any good new ranged weapons after the dark bow?  Also I'm a 92 range 90 magic 78ish strength hybrid at level 69 or 70(don't laugh, this used to be good lol), would I be useless in the new wild?  What is the most effective way to pk/new crazy weapons/items used pking?  I don't think I'd be satisfied unless I was above average.

Umm, what else.  They don't have the wild back do they? If not, are the pking worlds anything like the old wild?  Is pking even used as a way to make money anymore or is it a money sink?

Edit:  Did you guys do a member wipe or something for people that haven't logged in for so long?

Hmm lets see.  Last question.  I saw a few videos where people used prayer, and it seemed pretty crazy.  I remember when I played prayer was always seemed as something nooby if you put it on first.  Has this became a part of pking now that weapons have become crazy?  It looks like it takes a lot of skill to switch prayers fast and effectively.

Anyways, that's quite a lot of questions, so if you don't feel like answering them all, that's cool.  Thanks in advance :)


Transfer money, well basically the only ways are giving the other account some gps every 15 mins, or give them items u have/had for money.

Well for range, just use a rune crossbow with diamond (e) or dragonstone (e) bolts, really overpowered, and so ye, they own. Another pretty new thing are 'god arrows', combine them with a god bow, or msb, idk if thats possible. Heard they own, might try it out? :nice:

Well wild is back for a few worlds, bounty hunter worlds. They are basically pretty the same, although the feeling isnt there compared to old wild + there's a bad system for getting loot, and getting revenge kills.

Putting prayer on first isnt allowed in Foe, although I believe it's pretty common to do for everyone at east drags. And ye, takes some skill :p

Hope i helped you out a bit


Just have fun PKing mate.


Transfer money, well basically the only ways are giving the other account some gps every 15 mins, or give them items u have/had for money.

Well for range, just use a rune crossbow with diamond (e) or dragonstone (e) bolts, really overpowered, and so ye, they own. Another pretty new thing are 'god arrows', combine them with a god bow, or msb, idk if thats possible. Heard they own, might try it out? :nice:

Well wild is back for a few worlds, bounty hunter worlds. They are basically pretty the same, although the feeling isnt there compared to old wild + there's a bad system for getting loot, and getting revenge kills.

Putting prayer on first isnt allowed in Foe, although I believe it's pretty common to do for everyone at east drags. And ye, takes some skill :p

Hope i helped you out a bit

Thanks I appreciate it.  I remember when dragonstone bolts first came out, heh.  You actually had to assemble them yourself so nobody had them.  Had a huge group of people following me after I hit a high 30 lol..  miss that shit.

I've heard about the new loot system, which seems like a pretty big bummer.  Revenge kills seems neat though.  I'll look into god bows too, though I'm sure they're out of my price range right now.

I really just wanted to log in and play a couple hours a week, so I don't know if spending all that time transferring would be worth it, ya know?  I've kinda been hoping there was a glitch to let me get my pure rich because with college and everything else, my time is pretty limited and doing anything other then pking was never fun to me. 

But yeah man, thanks a lot.  Very helpful :)

Guest Sowat Impure



Goodluck not long came back myself I dont plan on pking untill I get some decent stats, there similar to yours actually. Alot of people bot now it's crazy what the new bots can do. Just train and make cash I like killing blue drags next to cws and collecting bones and hide, decent cash and range xp. :)


if youve quit dont come back. especiially in college go get laid and have fun

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