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Legalizing marijuana

Spittles (Old School)

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Spittles (Old School)

Apparently they're voting on whether to make marijuana legal in California, I believe it's Prop 19.

My parents and two older brothers voted yes today, my brother was so serious about it he took my grandma to vote also haha.

If you Californians heard of this and are legible to vote are\have you?

Plus discuss how bad ass Cali is for legalizing it.  :rolleyes:

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Oh wow, I thought they were still deciding whether to put it up for voting for or not.

Are they dumb? If they put it up for vote wtf do they think the outcome is going to be :p

On a good/bad note, your population is going to get out of hand causing the death poll to be even larger when 2012 comes around.

It's the government's plan to lower birth rate.


how the fuck is it losing.. its like 54% to 47%? was just shown on tv. if it loses, its obviously rigged.


Rigged my ass.. Think of everyone involved in Cali with the distribution of weed... All of them are against it for profit margin reasons... Then every conservative dick, or any person religiously or ethically against weed... Apparently that's 54%.


i just think there are more people for it than against it.. except im sure a lot of people that are for it didnt vote.


Lol, Silly Americans Californians.


Silly Californians.

Smoking weed DOES change you. It's BAD. Do you really want to see all your friends smoking pot? Your parents? Grandparents? Children? Since it's legalized? Who is going to control the marijuana? Who is going to distribute it? Is there going to be a tax? If so how much?

All these things need to be taken into careful consideration. Because once one state goes down, the rest will fall like dominoes. Then we're going to start talking about the legalization of cocaine, then crystal meth. Come on people. Just because you have a lot of potheads in California does not justify its use.

Really dumb IMO. Don't call me a party pooper, but just mature up and understand where I'm coming from.


Silly Californians.

Smoking weed DOES change you. It's BAD. Do you really want to see all your friends smoking pot? Your parents? Grandparents? Children? Since it's legalized? Who is going to control the marijuana? Who is going to distribute it? Is there going to be a tax? If so how much?

All these things need to be taken into careful consideration. Because once one state goes down, the rest will fall like dominoes. Then we're going to start talking about the legalization of cocaine, then crystal meth. Come on people. Just because you have a lot of potheads in California does not justify its use.

Really dumb IMO. Don't call me a party pooper, but just mature up and understand where I'm coming from.

are you fucking retarded? weed is legal in lots of countries, and yet they surpass the united states in so many ways im embarrassed to say i live here. idiots like you, that have no real idea what marijuana does to you, is the reason it stays illegal in america. .

it would actually SAVE money if it were legal. it would be taxed, controlled, etc.. and we wouldnt have to waste tax money putting people that sell/use weed, clearing loads of space up in our over crowded prisons. why would weed be any different, or any harder to control than alcohol? obviously it will be slightly easier for some people to get it, but in reality, in high school it is so easy to get most kinds of drugs that it wouldnt matter.

you act like, since it is legal, everyone is going to do it. that is not the case, if you think so your are just adding to your retardation. cigs/alcohol is legal, yet not everyone does it.

are you really comparing weed to cocaine, and meth? do you even know anything about those two drugs besides their names? if you did you would know, weed is not even close to being in the same league as those drugs.

learn your shit, or stfu.

Spittles (Old School)

Silly Californians.

Smoking weed DOES change you. It's BAD.

Not really, the one thing it may do from experience and watching other friends is make you lazy \ give a fuck less.

Do you really want to see all your friends smoking pot? Your parents? Grandparents? Children? Since it's legalized?

First of all, weed does help you. My father is a trip and he's been more laid back after he started smoking, also you would need to be at least 18 to purchase it and if you're that fucking obnoxious to believe that children don't smoke it already then you're retarded. You know how easy it is to get marijuana.

Who is going to control the marijuana? Who is going to distribute it? Is there going to be a tax? If so how much?

Who already controls marijuana... the government. Liquor stores\smoke shop\pharmacies\etc.  will be able to distribute it and fuck yes it will taxed as much\more than cigarettes. This is highly profitable for the government, why do you think they're actually willing to allow it to get voted.

All these things need to be taken into careful consideration. Because once one state goes down, the rest will fall like dominoes. Then we're going to start talking about the legalization of cocaine, then crystal meth. Come on people. Just because you have a lot of potheads in California does not justify its use.

Firstly tell me how many fucking deaths have you heard of from marijuana, get real. Cocain, crystal meth? lol.. Yes we do have a lot of potheads in California but the biggest reason there's a high chance of it getting legalized is because of how profitable it is for the government while taxing it plus you act as it isn't used for health issues.

Really dumb IMO. Don't call me a party pooper, but just mature up and understand where I'm coming from.


Silly Californians.

Smoking weed DOES change you. It's BAD. Do you really want to see all your friends smoking pot? Your parents? Grandparents? Children? Since it's legalized? Who is going to control the marijuana? Who is going to distribute it? Is there going to be a tax? If so how much?

All these things need to be taken into careful consideration. Because once one state goes down, the rest will fall like dominoes. Then we're going to start talking about the legalization of cocaine, then crystal meth. Come on people. Just because you have a lot of potheads in California does not justify its use.

Really dumb IMO. Don't call me a party pooper, but just mature up and understand where I'm coming from.

are you fucking retarded? weed is legal in lots of countries, and yet they surpass the united states in so many ways im embarrassed to say i live here. idiots like you, that have no real idea what marijuana does to you, is the reason it stays illegal in america. .

it would actually SAVE money if it were legal. it would be taxed, controlled, etc.. and we wouldnt have to waste tax money putting people that sell/use weed, clearing loads of space up in our over crowded prisons. why would weed be any different, or any harder to control than alcohol? obviously it will be slightly easier for some people to get it, but in reality, in high school it is so easy to get most kinds of drugs that it wouldnt matter.

you act like, since it is legal, everyone is going to do it. that is not the case, if you think so your are just adding to your retardation. cigs/alcohol is legal, yet not everyone does it.

are you really comparing weed to cocaine, and meth? do you even know anything about those two drugs besides their names? if you did you would know, weed is not even close to being in the same league as those drugs.

learn your shit, or stfu.

No, you obviously didn't read Proposition 19.

Did you READ IT? Let me answer that for you, NO you didn't.

Talk to me when you have read it and then explain to me what the pros and cons of legalizing marijuana include.

Let me ask you an even more personal question, have you ever tried weed? I am going to guess no, since all these things you have told me have already been mentioned time and time again.

You don't know shit about marijuana. Do you know marijuana is often laced with other drugs? Do you know marijuana is a gateway drug? Did you know marijuana raises the risk of fatal car crashes? Did you know that you can smoke marijuana up until you get behind the wheel? So you can be high as shit and drive around and it would be considered legal.

Now getting that over with read Proposition 19 and then tell me that there aren't loopholes in that bill. Do you know in that bill an employer has to make a space for its employees to smoke marijuana? Do you also know companies are now liable for marijuana related accidents? Do you know anything about health insurance?

Now onto what you said.

You state other countries have marijuana legalized, but wait, are we other countries? Do you realize that other countries also don't have a legal age to drink alcohol? Why do we? Because we're Americans, we can't control ourselves. Do you know how many people die each year in alcohol related accidents? Have you ever been affected? No.

You have no personal experience with either marijuana or the negative effects of marijuana.

So don't bother replying unless you've done proper research and you actually know what you're talking about because obviously you don't.

edit: And for people bothering to reply to me, please respond AFTER you have read Proposition 19 and what the purpose and the effects are. All you people seem to hear from the media is "LEGALIZE MARIJUANA! FUCK YA!" But then when you actually look at the proposition you realize the direction they're taking is wrong.



No, you obviously didn't read Proposition 19.

Did you READ IT? Let me answer that for you, NO you didn't.

Talk to me when you have read it and then explain to me what the pros and cons of legalizing marijuana include.

Let me ask you an even more personal question, have you ever tried weed? I am going to guess no, since all these things you have told me have already been mentioned time and time again.

You don't know shit about marijuana. Do you know marijuana is often laced with other drugs? Do you know marijuana is a gateway drug? Did you know marijuana raises the risk of fatal car crashes? Did you know that you can smoke marijuana up until you get behind the wheel? So you can be high as shit and drive around and it would be considered legal.

Now getting that over with read Proposition 19 and then tell me that there aren't loopholes in that bill. Do you know in that bill an employer has to make a space for its employees to smoke marijuana? Do you also know companies are now liable for marijuana related accidents? Do you know anything about health insurance?

Now onto what you said.

You state other countries have marijuana legalized, but wait, are we other countries? Do you realize that other countries also don't have a legal age to drink alcohol? Why do we? Because we're Americans, we can't control ourselves. Do you know how many people die each year in alcohol related accidents? Have you ever been affected? No.

You have no personal experience with either marijuana or the negative effects of marijuana.

So don't bother replying unless you've done proper research and you actually know what you're talking about because obviously you don't.

edit: And for people bothering to reply to me, please respond AFTER you have read Proposition 19 and what the purpose and the effects are. All you people seem to hear from the media is "LEGALIZE MARIJUANA! FUCK YA!" But then when you actually look at the proposition you realize the direction they're taking is wrong.


this dude serious? if you want to believe i have no "experience" smoking. then your a compete tool. how you came to that conclusion is beyond me. if there are loop holes in that bill, then they need to be straightened out. i live about 2000 miles from cali, so me reading it would be a bit redundant.

i dont think you should drive while you are high, but i have driven countless times high as fuck. and im not going to exaggerate to you, i am a safer driver. i constantly watch my speed, i never cross any lines, i wait at stop signs, sometimes too long, i zone everything else out except driving. it may just be me, and it may affect others diff. im sure you wont believe that, but i wont lose sleep over that.

im sure companies, and businesses would not have to make designated smoking areas for pot.. as in cali, and moving to more and more states, it is illegal to smoke in any business.  

you say its a gateway drug? id like some real proof, proving that if they never smoked weed, they wouldnt be a crack head. sure EVERY crack head tryed pot first. its much easier to get. that does not mean that every pot smoker is going to be a crack head. i have been offered so many different things, some of which i dont know what it was. pills etc.. i have only smoked weed, as far as illegal stuff goes, and i have never been tempted to try anything else.

you are summing all americans up, saying we cannot control ourselves. seems like a piss poor excuse to be a dumbass to me. but even if that is true, and we cannot control ourselves. you cant over do weed.. like, go ahead, smoke yourself retarded. you arent gonna over do it. you talk about alcohol related accidents, yet you want weed to be illegal. start talking about some weed related deaths. then get back to me. your point there was really bad.

and lastly, have YOU smoked before? if you have, you would not be going on with all the bad things about it, because you would know that munchies, and laziness arent that big of a deal.

i have never had a problem with laced weed. if you get weed that is laced, your buying from some nig that you met at the mall parking lot.

i dont think a lot of the stuff you said was in the bill was really in there.. businesses liable for marijuana related accidents? umm... prob not. like i said before it would be treated like alcohol is being treated already. if you fuck up at work, and your high, your prob gonna have to face some consequence.

get over yourself, you lost.

Gareth l Rare

I lead trips better when I'm on the stuff, just sayin doe

Right, we get all the ppl who smoke to go on tiny cam and have a session

Then you lead a trip and we see (id apply just to go 2 that 1 trip lmao)


I thought the vote was for legalizing the cultivation of Marijuana? Not actually legalising publicly smoking it?




Tom (Rendition)

I lead trips better when I'm on the stuff, just sayin doe

You must blaze very rarely then.


bad bad idea imo it leads to the kids being fucking braindead.. look at amsterdam

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