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BlackBerry Bold (A)


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Well ya guys,

For 41,50 a Month i get my BlackBerry Bold


I get 400 minuts a month + bb internet + 1000 sms.

Or this 1 ? help me pick!


this 1 is a option 2.


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How long a contract? I'd hate to get a Blackberry contract =/ you end up paying soooo much more than if you'd just bought a blackberry from somewhere, and getting a sim only contract or just pay as you go. I'd say get the blackberry, I prefer the layout myself, not a huge fan of touch screen technology, although the samsung does look cool as a cucumber.

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blackberry straight up but i am gonna get a contract which will allow me to have 3000 minutes unlim text and bb for £25 a month the other phone is sht tbh either a blackberry or i phone 4g tbh choice tho :) oh and a little side note the bold does tend to mess up abit for example the BBm messaging is slow sometimes and text might be abit slow its a little bug going around mostly for the bold just thought you should know

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Meh paying close to £1k for a phone that's maybe £200?[idk phone prices I have a £20 nokia till I get some paycheques] to get 400 minutes, internet and 1000 texts seems a ridiculous amount really. How much is the samsung contract?

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only 400 minutes, and 1000 text? i my last bill i sent over 2000 texts. you might not text a lot i guess. 400 mins tho? you get free incoming, nights, and weekends, and mobile to mobile? cuz only 400 mins and 1k texts you might as well not get a phone.

this is what i have. its taken loads of abuse. can stay under water for like 3 hours. its good, except it lags sometimes.

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The BlackBerry Bold. I got my BlackBerry Curve about six months ago and I love it. The keyboard is great and the Bold has a better one. The sensor instead of the ball is great and is not going to break anytime soon. It's dropped a few times and barely and scratches. Quality phone right there, if I could go back I would get the Bold over the Curve.

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only 400 minutes, and 1000 text? i my last bill i sent over 2000 texts. you might not text a lot i guess. 400 mins tho? you get free incoming, nights, and weekends, and mobile to mobile? cuz only 400 mins and 1k texts you might as well not get a phone.

this is what i have. its taken loads of abuse. can stay under water for like 3 hours. its good, except it lags sometimes.

i get UNLIMITED minutes and UNLIMITED texts for $65 a month...

i send around 400 - 600 texts a day on avg.. and probably only use an hour or so talk time..

i can't complain with my prepaid garbage..


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