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X Fury Inc X

Range -.-. Max w/ 94 mage is 30. 99 range and dragon (e) bolts potted w/ eagle eye your looking at 60+ w/ the special. Or easily 70+ w/ d bow. Not to mention unless you have a beast mage bonus you won't hit your max of 30 that often.

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Dead Eye Xps

comparing 99 to 94 is kinda stupid.  94 mage n 90 range over like 99 range n 85 mage any day though.

^ I agree, u really need a combination of both, especially for solo pking, and from my experience, theres really not a whole lot of difference between 90 and 99 range, however, 99 range is 1337
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i love 99 range with 94 mage man, thats what ive got and its a great combo but i must admit 99 range owns hard and is way better on its own

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