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steel/iron drag


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I know i probably wont get a visage from these drags but i'd like to know

peoples opinions on if i should kill iron or steel drags. :wub:

also should i wear ring of wealth???


wish me luck on a visageĀ  :Hi:


Max range gear with emerald bolts.

Drop rates got so nerfed that it is hard to even get dragon items from them now...


Iron because they are easier to kill and yeah I take a wealth

Y4nk33 D33s

use broad bolts if you have, gl getting visage


Deffos iron - maybe for every 10 irons or so, do a steel


Steels have WAY more range/melee def, stick to irons.


Irons and im not sure bout the ring mate, people have many opinions on them. I probs would tho.

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