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dungeoneering 'n pures 'n stuff


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So i've been dungeoneering alot again lately and i came to wonder. How do pures think of dungeoneering and the chaotic weaponry/magic ammies? noticed that only 10 people so far in Foe have 80+dungeon. why is this? are dungeoneering items forbidden on all pure p2p wars? if not, why the hell haven't more people gotten 80+ to get at least the chaotic staff or even the bow?

chaotic staff:

80+ magic needed

200k tokens (2m dng xp)

+18 magic att

+20% magic damage

this weapon should be used by all mages in a war, no exceptions :p

chaotic bow:

80+ ranged needed

200K tokens (2m dng xp)

+120 ranged att bonus (30 more than rune cbow)

not that much more useful in pure v pure wars but it may come in handy when fighting main clans or runepker clans.

so, why are barely any pures getting chaotic weapons? :o

oh hi. i'm vloo and im NOTback.


Because we don't nolife..

Pures also get rapiers/mauls/arcane streams

But yeah, 80 dung takes for fucking ever, so that's like saying, if we ignored the money factor, HEY GUYS 99 summon and 99 herblore OWN in p2p wars, how come only 3 or 4 FOE have them?!


I was wondering this too

if i was in foe id rush 80 dunge for either a staff or bow like you suggested as it would be very useful in +1, not everyone in foe is 80 attack and dungeoneering can still be to their advantage too


grab a guide :s when done properly you get fast xp. its only slow at start.

edit: i can't seem to find a good guide for pures to train it  :huh:


cuz some of us pk!


Ye well in most preps/wars it's off Tijl, maybe too because Foe hasn't a big dung unit like MM for example. It's merely that a lot of the people in this clan are too busy too be doing dungs of 1 hour long, or just pk/skill and what not.

Edit: What annoying is too, that not that much pures do dungs at the time u want, just too few out there. What leads to people going w117 with fail teams, or solo. Well, that's how I did it, and I didn't wanted the Prayer xp anymore, so I'm hoping for a Foe dung unit, or just pure dung unit to stand up, so I can get back too it. Cbf with mains.


cuz some of us pk!

would love to see some pure bridding pk vids with chaotic staff.


Just do pengs/lamps till 50

At 59 the skill will get more fun.

Super rush all frozen floors and abandoned (1) floors (complexity 1)

Small/Med rush furnished

Do large abandoned (2) dungeons.

At level 71 you can start super rushing up to abandoned (2)

Rush medium/large occult floors.

Idk why people find dung so hard, it's really easy.


i want 80 dug so bad but i have 0 patience for it!


This surprises me too tbh, but i think dunge is really time consuming


It takes way too much time of my life!


Mains don't accept pures.

So unless you have a few mates with 99 dung willing to skill with you, its alright. But getting into random teams is a pain...

Maarja je kunt ook nolifen net als Dutchy :D


I can't stand dung it's so boring :o

imo dungeon is one of the least boring skills on rs. also a pretty fast skill to get 99 compared to most skills.


I agree Foe need to up their Dung Avg.

MM Have alot more members with good dung.


It comes down to the fact that I don't enjoy it mainly. I'd quite like to get an arcane neck and Chaotic crossbow  but it reminds me of when I imbued my zerker and seers ring at MA; Ie. Crunching through a minigame just for 1 or 2 items and that just doesn't appeal to me.


I can't stand dung it's so boring :o

imo dungeon is one of the least boring skills on rs. also a pretty fast skill to get 99 compared to most skills.

I could agree with you, but getting teams for dungeoneering is so fucking annoying.

I've always been a person that rathers to do a skill by myself, then with a group of people.

If they made dungeoneering an actually skill where you get the same EXP for solo dungeons, I think a lot more people would get it. Fucking mini-games these days.

I have no problem with the skill at all, just the fact you have to spend 10-mins plus to get a team for ONE floor.

And only way you can do it successfully is to join a team, good luck for the average player to get in one.

Let alone a pure ...

Hi btw, Vlooie!


staff is usefull for anybody who doesnt have sol and the bow is shit


Fast when you have a main team that knows what they're doing, 80k xp per 30 min dungs own.


staff is usefull for anybody who doesnt have sol and the bow is shit

Clearly you don't know shit.

The Chaotic Crossbow is +40 more ranging bonuses than the Rune Crossbow, and 33% more accurate.

It may not hit as hard, but still dominates the Rune Crossbow.

And the Chaotic Staff is +1 more magic bonuses, and +5% more magic damage.

Those items might not be usefull to you, but that doesn't mean they are useless.


Because we don't nolife..

Pures also get rapiers/mauls/arcane streams

But yeah, 80 dung takes for fucking ever, so that's like saying, if we ignored the money factor, HEY GUYS 99 summon and 99 herblore OWN in p2p wars, how come only 3 or 4 FOE have them?!

L0L but true  :lol:


92 dung on main 93 dung on pure :3 get at me :P


I still want 99 on my up and coming pure, but can't find a team or a guide. When my tank did it on the first day i only got to 15; it was so slow.

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