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dungeoneering 'n pures 'n stuff


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currently geting 85 for staff :D


Hey Vlooie 

It’s a good question Vloo but heres a few things that I’ve observed while coming back and being active within the last month and a half (please not that I only play during evenings on weekdays for about an hour and every other weekend):

-Final Ownage Elite as a clan has changed so much within the pat few months. People that aren’t part FOE now or within the past month have missed out on the changes that the leadership has made, but I will fill you in on these changes. The first change is increasing the amount of events that we have throughout the week. These events are separate from our weekend trips and occur every day and sometimes multiple times in a day. These events include miniwars, group pk trips, prep wars, special events that the members make, and sometimes inners (which usually happen after specific events). Because of these events, members might not have the time add dungeoneering to their schedule of entertainment. This was something I had invisioned long time ago and took me by surprise when I came back.

-Dungeoneering is a new skill. It takes more than a few months for a new skill set in and be part of someone’s regular routine on choosing what to do in this game. Players may have seen the new weapons and haven’t made the commitment to go farm them because of not fully understanding how dungeoneering works or how to power level it. With time this will change and people will use these items on a regularly basis unless they come out with better items of course.

-Time. A lot of Final Ownage Elites members are either in their final years of high school and preparing for college, or they are in college and play whenever they have time for themselves. Word of mouth makes dungeonering out to be very long and time consuming by overhearing that average dungeon at higher levels is more than an hour long. This combined with the other things I stated above might discourage members from commiting to getting the new gear.

There is no doubt that the new gear is very very good and should be utilized to its fullest potential in the pure world, but we can’t expect this clan to turn on a dime but only create awareness of how good these items are and hopefully encourage our members to go out and get them!! :D

My personal list is pretty simple: Arcane Stream neck, Chaotic Crossbow, ring of vigor (yes I want it lol), coal bag (back burner), and... I forgot what else. If I had higher stats I would definitely go for the staff for the 5% damage bonus.


Umm idk btw chaotic cbow is worthless only ones worht it r staff arcane n rapier n maul


hey tijl mn favoriete belg en idk lol, kga het wsl binnenkort ophalen


the rapier looks like sex so i'd get it. but 80 dungeioneering sounds like a bitch to get


Soooooooooooooooooooooooo annoying and boring.


without a group of friends to dung with you whenever you want, pures trying to find a team is horrible so it takes double the time.... in other words, the rent is too damn high....

  • 2 weeks later...

Basically, it's just hard for pures to find a team. If pures were able to find teams nearly as fast as mains, it'd be super easy and all pures would do it. Even if a strong foe dung unit, or pure dung unit was built, then more members would have it. Until then however, a select group of few people gain their dung incredibly fast, while everyone else gains at shit speeds.

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