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Been my long term goal like 2 years and finally I made it.


Did you bot?

- No I didnt bot, 85-90 cavefish and 90-99 rocktails 100% with hands. I was stoned most of the time and watched A LOT movies, all 2010 movies what came out so far and a lot 2009 movies. Also I watched series like Supernatural and The Walking Dead(new)

How much did you earn with 99 fishing?

- 90-99 fishing with rocktails is about 40m? But everytime I had like 4k rocktails banked I sold em and used the money for pking, weekend FOE trips and bought some items etc.

What you gonna do next?

- I been thinking of 85 Dungeoneering because Frost dragons will make me more millions. Not sure about rapier because I really dont wanna get 80 attack, 75 attack is enough for me but we will see.



W0000t! ConGratulations Villlllllleee!


gratz ep!!

nice capes :)

must have taken long :P


Nice ownage EP

Get the staff then, or just get the rapier, only 1-2 combats difference, sell the ags for cash u can use for better things.


hey m8 gz on ur 99 fish =D

total legit i'm his proof :D



i like how u had to add the part where u were stoned the whole time

this topic is so much cooler now


very nice brother.

do some more work.

Guest Emote|Muse

Kahen kilon siika <><


congratzĀ  <3

gl with dung and smexy capeĀ  ;)


Congrats on 99 fishing and also very nice account. Great work.

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