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Muslims in london

Gareth l Rare

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Gareth l Rare

There will be no racial content posted!

Keep it clean, if you have to say something racial then go here and post it.



Some muslims have been bowling around london screaming "british crusaders burn in hell"

Fact, if i dressed up as a crusader and marched around screaming "burn muslim terrorists in hell" id get ganked by a group of pigs and put in pen

Is this justice?

Personally i say id give my left pinky finger to be there when they march so i could headbutt the cunt whos leading it.

Today Muslims broke the 2 minute silence in Central London with banners holding "British Soldiers Burn In Hell" & the burning of a poppy.- If you don't like us english people paying respect for our brave fighters then you know where the airport is.


Many groups are planning to go Gank the muslim march happening in london

As we can see, this is going to escalate and get worse and worse

BNP will get voted in eventually  :sleep: then im fucked lol..... ship me back to? Duno were the fuck ill go, prob live in joes cupboard

Point of this debate

What are your thoughts?

Will it escalate and get worse?

Americans? Will they get soon? Hay we can hope  :D

Posting fuck them or irrelevant comments just results in you being quoted a a dumb ass

Post with proof if your going to argue a fact

~Hay i said keep it racially clean, not clean of curse words  :shifty:

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This countries too obsessed with political correctness that we actually give minorities immunity. It's fucking ridiculous. There's a difference between freedom of speech and down-right racism.

Also, the ironic thing is, they wouldn't even have a right to free speech in Britain if the fallen soldiers hadn't have sacrificed themselves in WWII.

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Gareth l Rare

Also, the ironic thing is, they wouldn't even have a right to free speech in Britain if the fallen soldiers hadn't have sacrificed themselves in WWII.

Watched the ww2 veterans on the news

1 guy was like, "the unknown soldier" jumped over him to save him from a mortar, but unfortunately it was the second one that landed and killed him but saved the guy telling the story.

Muslims were creaming he will be burning in hell.

Good point put forward from my mate

Jordan.H This is true but 98% of these people have been brought up to beleive this stuff, and when you are young you will beleive anything you are told, for example you get brought up to say please and thank you and when you are an adult it becomes second nature to say please and thank you because its how you were raised to be that way, and these people are no different its the same principle, they know no different. Im not saying what they are doing is right quite the opposite im just saying they dont know any different because they have been raised on the ignorance of the muslim religion.

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People like that are fucking cunts who deserve to be shot, they need to get the fuck out of our country if they think they have the right to come here and say stuff about our troops, if christians went over to derkaderkastan or whatever fucking paki country and said death to muslim soldiers, they would be shot, ON THE SPOT. Why the fuck isn't that happening over here?

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Reminds me of when I was on my way to school on Amsterdam Central Station when I saw and heard a muslim verbally fight a dutch guy, yelling bullcrap like: ''We will take over your own country and kick you out of it'' nothing happened against him, there's always police there guarding, but for some reason I have the feeling that if the dutch guy would have said the same but about throwing the muslim out of the country it would have been racism and he'd get punished for that.

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Gareth l Rare

Reminds me of when I was on my way to school on Amsterdam Central Station when I saw and heard a muslim verbally fight a dutch guy, yelling bullcrap like: ''We will take over your own country and kick you out of it'' nothing happened against him, there's always police there guarding, but for some reason I have the feeling that if the dutch guy would have said the same but about throwing the muslim out of the country it would have been racism and he'd get punished for that.

Political correctness gone mad.

Only way around it is to go to their country and do it... oh wait? If we do we will get our heads cut off

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It really annoys me how some people think they have the right to talk trash like that.

Funny how a guy can talk shit about my country, but i would get punished for telling him the same thing.

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Speaking about the airport, last week when i was in transit in london i saw about 3x more pakis than white.

Welcome to England, the place where whites are rapidly becoming the minority.

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It really annoys me how some people think they have the right to talk trash like that.

Funny how a guy can talk shit about my country, but i would get punished for telling him the same thing.

I doubt you can get in trouble for talking shit about England in England, since nobody gives a shit about how you talk about France in France.

Therefore your argument is invalid.

Now let's try this:

you go to pakistan, talk shit about england.

a brit goes to pakistan, talks shit about pakistan.

Who do you think will have problems breathing in the following month?

think before you talk.

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It really annoys me how some people think they have the right to talk trash like that.

Funny how a guy can talk shit about my country, but i would get punished for telling him the same thing.

I doubt you can get in trouble for talking shit about England in England, since nobody gives a shit about how you talk about France in France.

Therefore your argument is invalid.

Now let's try this:

you go to pakistan, talk shit about england.

a brit goes to pakistan, talks shit about pakistan.

Who do you think will have problems breathing in the following month?

think before you talk.

.............that's what he was saying, he's saying it's funny how pakistanis or whatever can talk shit about England in England, and get away with it, yet if a Brit went to their country and talked shit about their country, the Brit would NOT get away with it.

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Just putting it out there, i dont really want everyone to hate on me, I'm just sharing it from my angle..

Right well I was brought up in a mixed family, half muslim and half white-boy..

My muslim grandparents are normal basically although they are strict with their religeon.

They dont really give a shit about if i follow it or not (i think..) cuz i dont really..

You've got to understand there is a difference between muslims and extremists.

All good people with an ounce of goodness in their heart, including over half the Muslim

religion think these guys are cunts. Not all of them are like this but they're all brought up in

violence, they were born with it, they're like machines, it's the only thing they know, and you

may find it hard to understand, I consider them as un-human.

Let me clarify though, I hate them (the extremists), I think they'll be the ones burning in hell,

All of them are cunts. We're stuck in an ever-going war in my eyes.

We'll keep fighting them and they'll keep fighting us.

On political correctness:

It's gone crazy. they should be at least jailed for life if not death sentence, this is serious shit

going down. I understand that they do not want to really sink to "their level" of whip out an

AK and spray at any English person, but seriously, sitting there doing fuck all?

I want Boris Johnson to save the day.

~ Soz about the swearing, I feel deeply about this and it's such a bitch!

I repeat, I'm on your side i'm just telling both sides of the story i guess.

I would ask to keep the paki bashing on the down low as the extemists dont speak for

all/any of us.. You have your freedom of typing though so yeah.


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going with wat 12anged Cape said, be careful of your wording. Actions of people are not reflective at all of the true Muslim religion.

Verbal Abuse (any type of abuse for that matter) is a sin in Islam. These people are acting out of misplaced anger or frustration. Very disrespectful, I can't believe they'd interrupt a moment of silence for British troops, that's not OK at all. Regardless of the view some Muslims may have towards Western Government those soldiers, fellow human beings, lost their lives and their families and community are grieving. It's disgusting that they interrupted a moment of silence.

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its the same with any minority.  they can talk shit about you, but if you even step a toe out of line and say something semi racist about them, your a flaming racist.

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  • 8 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...
Zz Nektas Zz


Im a normal Muslim who Respect each others culture no mather what black or white.

You guys need to Understand that the muslims in London arn't the same in the whole world.

We Muslims Respect each other Thread each other like a Human.

We the Pakistan people said in London is wrong.

But at The other Side America Killed alot of Muslims in the middle east.


Watch the Photos en Videos

its now late 'ill edit tommorow

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Im a normal Muslim who Respect each others culture no mather what black or white.

You guys need to Understand that the muslims in London arn't the same in the whole world.

We Muslims Respect each other Thread each other like a Human.

We the Pakistan people said in London is wrong.

But at The other Side America Killed alot of Muslims in the middle east.


Watch the Photos en Videos

its now late 'ill edit tommorow


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