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Support me by leaving a nice comment on my application thread at the link below.


Click bellow for my Pking Gallery or scroll to page 4.


Hey everyone! I'm new to these forums and i am new to 1 defense pures. For those of you who have read my Intro you can see how far i have come in the last few days. if you have not yet had the chance to read my intro or you just cant be assed, Don't worry because i will be updating this thread as often as i can and you to will be able to watch my account grow.

If you want to get to know me a little more please visit my introduction thread by clicking here - http://www.foe-rs.com/forums/index.php?topic=28479.0

Will I be applying for FOE membership?

Yes, I plan on applying when i reach 90+ Range, 85+ Strength, 80+ LP and 90% of my skills are 60+. This not only mean I will be a strong fighter but I will also have the cash to buy large quantities  of PKing gear and also gear for trips I attend with you guys.

What are your goals?

As i said in my intro, I do not have any specific goals apart from the ones I have listed above. I will just do whatever i feel i want to do.

When i first started this account i was destined to get 99 Magic with 10 LP. I did achieve this and now i have decided to create a pure. I'm currently working on slayer and range, Also doing a bit of questing.

Here is a view of my stats when i first joined your community.

Wednesday, 10th November 2010:    Friday, 12th November 2010- 1000 Total:    Monday, 15th November 2010:

  2uhtmwh.png                  dfj8e0.png                            9urtip.png        

Monkey Madness Completed 15th November 2010:


Tuesday, 16th November. Got my Addy gloves all in 1 day


Thursday, 18th November 2010. Achieved 60 slayer.

2r27y45.png    1g1314.png

21st November. All these levels i got in the same slayer task.




9th December, 2010


Before and after Christmas/New years celebrations.


I have downloaded Swiftkit and created an account on IRC.

Hope to get to know a few of you guys.

More pics to come!

Enjoy, Bucky

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gl  :nice:

hope to see you apping some day


Thanks guys. Im getting 70 range and doing roving elves.

After that probly just keep training range 0.o


Thanks 4oh7.

Will be updating stats with new pictures tomorrow


Right, So in an attempt to keep my thread alive. i have seriously reworked it and made it quite appealing.

Im currently trying to learn a bit on Photoshop so i can create some banners.

Anyway here is my latest achievement.



Looking very nice, good luck + GJ :)


What're you using to train slayer with? O_O


Keep it up, im sure you will get accepted when you have the requirements :D


What're you using to train slayer with? O_O

Im using mostly Broad-tipped bolts, praying against tough monsters to a minimum and im using rune scimitar for the low levels (Banshee, Pyrefiends, Hill Giants ect ect) Im using Vannaka as my master.

Thanks for your support guys. Appreciate it.


Here are my recent achievments.

I am quite happy with these last few levels as it means i now how the stats to apply as an associate member.




  • 3 weeks later...

Hey everybody. i have not updated this thread for a while i guess i just haven't gotten any stats or achieved anything worthy of it. but here is a look at my current skills. I guess i could have posted 70 slayer and 85 range but oh well. Im getting alot closer to the reqs for full FOE member and will be apping as soon as i get them. So without further ado i bring to you my stats as of 9th December 2010.



thats some pro acc u got going on there :p

how did u get the high hp with the low stats early on?

did u like constant wind strike dummy's to 99 mage and

get hp up too? :P


Nah man. I was a 10 hp 99 mage acocunt lol. Ive been training Range + Strength 100% slayer. Apart from maybe 1-30 for both i killed cows.

Edit: i trained mage 1-55 in Swars and then 55-99 i mixed alching and enchanting.

Thanks :)


I would work on the cb stats instead of the skill stats; good acc anyway


I would work on the cb stats instead of the skill stats; good acc anyway

Yeah im doing that. Thanks

Thanks Nath And Finland

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