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Handcannon on "Pures"


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Recently I've been thinking about getting handcannon on my pure. it does involve getting def but ive been thinking if it will be worth it as i don't see many low lvls with em and have never seen someone with 13 pray pk with a handcannon.

I'd be getting it with only 22 defence as my bank is big enough to get me 85+ herblore for the extreme defence pots (stewed to the lvl required like i do on my main) without extreme defence pots i would need 27 for super defence pot. This will only bring me from 71 --> 76 cb if i keep the same stats i do right now

currently 98/99 fm and by the time this thread reaches 10 replies ill probably be 99 thanks to fm brawlers.

putting a list of pros and cons and seeing what peoples views are on this. feel free to add any pros/cons if you know any.


- the "godsword" of range. hits very high and im already 99 range

- can be the biggest faggot to lvl 60s in pvp

- more unique then a regular 13 pray 60 attack brid

- higher def = less getting hit

- more fun pking

- my defence level might get reset back to 1 with handcannon


- 22 def looks like shit

- more mains attacking me

- not a pure

- more expensive then my typical welfare brid

- spec is slow as shit

- my range level may get reset to 1


and what doo you think?

forgot to add that. oh well thats what i get for making this at 3:30am lol

personally i think it would be a bit of fun, just the 85 herb and quests would be a bitch to get. and i still got some stat reqs. going multi with some friends would be interesting with handcannon or mini wars if i re join foe


and what doo you think?

forgot to add that. oh well thats what i get for making this at 3:30am lol

personally i think it would be a bit of fun, just the 85 herb and quests would be a bitch to get. and i still got some stat reqs. going multi with some friends would be interesting with handcannon or mini wars if i re join foe

All true.

Well if I look at your posts it is only the lazyness to get stats + quests done.

I'd say you want it more then you don't :p.


hand cannon is fun but not worth ruining a pure for


hand cannon is fun but not worth ruining a pure for

this tbh


stick with d bow, more effective anyways.


If you wanna be a bitch to the 60s get teleblock entangle poisoned bolts and claws.


make another pure with handcannon ;)


Edit: I guess I should explain myself. With a super defence pot you only need I think 23. But either way you'll get the 5k defence xp so you'll be bumped up a few levels.


Pure's too good. 22 def with HC is godly though.


Handcannon was one of the hardest things i've ever had to quest for.


hand cannos are wack stay 1 def or w.e ur are  let them bs tanks have there homo fun


I wouldnt do it, your account is way to beastly to mess up. If you want a HC just make a new account and get it at like 55 combat  :D


Hmm I'd max your acc without it nd smash zerks











just no jesus why would you even think that is a good idea?


Just a dumb idea bro and besides remember what happen last time you got def? You got bored of it and "quit" rs.


I like the 2 replies before me.


make a baby pure, hand cannon prod  :D


Handcannon isn't really worth it... it is if you just want to walk in, spec... then walk out.

Gareth l Rare

Check my hand cannon pure (in sig)

Only thing is people with hand cannon 90 range > 44 pray 30 deff RIP THE FUCK OUT OF PURES

Save a 5m bank and pk in currupt morgans, you'll hardly ever die unless your a waste

and you hit like something chronic

Also, make a new account for it. If you get bored, you switch to your other account and play until bored were as if you do to 1 account then you get bored well, your prity much fucked ant ya :shifty:



i would bot another count up lol.

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