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99 Hitpoints..Just another level.


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since when are ppl not happy w/ 99 hp


[glow=red,2,300]W E L C O M E  B A C K[/glow]


Dam.. Sad i guess but still grats!


Congrats noob B) thought you retired :P

Chris (Pur3strgod)

Whats up with you taking the acc back?

hunt godlink

Gratz =p

Max out now xD


Grats sir.


Daniel didn't appreciate it ..

But gratz on 99 hp ;).

Richy ranger

Im wondering about one thing?

How is it to take back your acc? when u said u never would return to rs? an then take it back from your "Friend"?


Because I told him he could use it for foe while training D72. He did not, he just used my acc and didn't train d72. Also because of his going emoness i'm going to give him the pass for it so he can get on while i'm not..I thought I would have a job, but was laid off because of budget cuts, and nowhere else is hiring right now. The jobs that teens would get are being occupied by adults. I never intentionally gave him full control of it, I said I would let him use it while he was training d72. He did not buy it for anything, so like Mike said in irc last night, it was more of a loan.

Richy ranger

Because I told him he could use it for foe while training D72. He did not, he just used my acc and didn't train d72. Also because of his going emoness i'm going to give him the pass for it so he can get on while i'm not..I thought I would have a job, but was laid off because of budget cuts, and nowhere else is hiring right now. The jobs that teens would get are being occupied by adults. I never intentionally gave him full control of it, I said I would let him use it while he was training d72. He did not buy it for anything, so like Mike said in irc last night, it was more of a loan.

Get both sides of a story before coming to conclusions.

I just read his part of the story, so i wanted to hear your part of the story, that's why i wrote what i did.

But i see how it is now, and how things is mixing together now.

As u say he should had training d72 up while he had steal, but as u will give him the pass while u aren't on it is fair enough.

but Grats on 99 hitpoints  :nice:


Your still a fucking scumbag for getting the HP level right after you changed the password. You wouldn't know how much it sucks unless its happened to you..Changed my outlook on you.


Alright Kody think that, but I soul warred the last 200k and got 12.5m of the xp. Btw idk if daniel edited that topic yet but if he did look at it..


Added pm me ingame.

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