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a yo i still need mith scims


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yea nice try every1 likes to pretend im a troll but im just pointing out the truth all the time like every1 on this forum is a huge faggot and that the quality of my spam posts are no worse than the rest of the garbage on here

lol guys its almost 2011 and we r still playing runescape srsly lol look at my stats 95 str 95 magic. yea it took me like a week to get it cuz the games so shit ezmode now but NO FOE IS A VERY PRESTIGIOUS CLAN PLAYING A HARDCORE GAME LIKE RUNESCAPE 2010 LOL games been shitty ever since they added smite and from tehre it just goes to complete shit by 2007 but nope somehow ppl stil playing LMFAO

then ~retired~ faggots and clan allies that dont even play anymore still post on here and take it srsly LMFAO omg "no dont spam my foe forums" yea cuz the off topic forum is such a high quality forum. wat like 16 hours later and my locked topics are still spamming up the whole thing besides a fuckin harry potter topic LMFAO. and look at the gfx forum wats that get like 1 post every few days? runescape discussion forum is full of faggot 12 yr olds that just started runescape 2 months ago hurrr wats the best way to get 90 str lol might take me 2 weeks of 2 hrs a day. cuz i mean i cant see any reason why anyone else would continue to play this game srsly like the whole things shit and wat about this clan? only person i even fuken recognize in the leadership is true whip and he was jsut some random from like 5 yrs ago. ace and bonesaw dont even come here anymore and even dave quit. new members join and leave every month lke no1 gives a shit whos in the clan anymore. LMFAO u see that post "hey guys anyone remember me? i was in this clan in january" LMFAO not even a fkin year but i dont blame u whole things flooded with 13 yr olds that got 99 stats in a month and lose interest after a few pk trips. "foe mobile site" LMFAO yea bros lets read foe forums on our iphones while we r at school or some shit cant wait to get home and see wat the british runescapers on foe think about the new harry potter movie LMFAO every1s so butthurt i come in here and im like the only fuken person posting on the entire forum all day. any other posters are just replying to me all butthurt

tldr this sites af uckin piece of shit also wtf why is there that huge information box near the top like fuk u got

some huge pic telling ppl when the fuckin pk trip times are lol cant expect members to read af uckin sticky post in the members forums nope then u got

huge fuckin shitty banner looks like it was drawn by some 15 yr old btich on deviantart then u got this huuuuge fuckin information box about a fuckin mobile site like any1 gives a fuck and liek 20 fuckin names of randoms no1 gives a fuck about like cant this infromation jsut be in a sticky topic somewhere like fuck i have to scroll down for 10 fucki nseconds to read posts cuz u got so much fuckin shit on here

anyway tldr every1s butthurt that i come in here cooler than any1 PS: i still need mithril scimitars and some food and str ammies its been on hold cuz my bro im gonna play with is still talking to his internet gf but we will be scapin all night if u see us in the wild its gha0s pur3 x4 at ur door no warning shots

pss: cant believe every1 fuckin still says those shitty poems bonesaw used to make up LMFAO "never cheat never lie final ownage til i die" nice rhyme bro u should make it a rap aite peace once again hit me up gha0s pur3 real scapers f2p for life fuck jagex fuck mod mark fuck DI fuck mayhem makerz we lone ridas ad last but not least fcu k final ownage peace out bros hit me up wiht free lobs

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i do remember you now, and also remember when true WAS a random just spammin up threads like the best of us now..

after the [dot]tk forums got hacked (or w/e) dave bossed up on your acc 20xs harder than you coulda, m1l1tant, ascended, lighthouse, and all the other OLD guys would be just as disappointed to see where this clan has gone and to see you acting like a coolfag outta no where man...  but either way doesn't matter, like you said, it is a pathetic game that no-one should play anymore.. and the only reason people do is so they can just have ONE MORE thing to bitch about.. "oh derp no more wildy!"  "oh derp! dey ruined the game for pures again!?"..

i got an almost maxed pure, and a pretty boss main, but CBA to fuckin even log in and walk around anymore..

but still, my final thought is...


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images take much less effort..

you're trying WAY too hard son!

Vacant, you fucking drunk bro?

dw about this guy ^ pretty sure he's been around for about a week now..

oh and since you like youtube video's, i'll give you an oldschool one..


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Climb up the lumbridge castle, get the pickaxe, go to South-West varrock and mine some clay and sell it and buy your shit.

who r u

someone who's text annoys me more than Aqua, I Really Didn't Think That Anything Was More Annoying Than Typing Like This..

but i guess i was wrong..    :mellow:

EDIT: whats ur rsn and where u at vacant, i'll log into my pure he's f2p anyways and give you some shit hahahah

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Climb up the lumbridge castle, get the pickaxe, go to South-West varrock and mine some clay and sell it and buy your shit.

who r u

someone who's text annoys me more than Aqua, I Really Didn't Think That Anything Was More Annoying Than Typing Like This..

but i guess i was wrong..    :mellow:

EDIT: whats ur rsn and where u at vacant, i'll log into my pure he's f2p anyways and give you some shit hahahah

Cool Story Bro.

I like how you bag out RuneScape, then you play it.

And why are you on this site then?

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Foe is shit, indeed.

But must say, if you're old school you'll always prefer the old school.

And only the old school is good enough.

Same goes for me, rather wanted Rs to stay like it was in 2005/6/7.

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