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For anybody that didnt notice we have removed the FA apps.

We now have new requirements which can be found in these boards http://www.foe-rs.com/forums/index.php?board=26.0

On top of that we have made the whole application process and getting into foe alot more entertaining, interesting but still extremely vigilant. These are apps made for elites, simple as that.

Hope to see you all checking it out, training up and i look foward to seeing apps from you soon.



i was hoping to app for fa app.. bs


Considering getting my def reset to re-join. Would I be accepted 1 def with turmoil, veng etc..?


your images have been moved or deleted


Good news: Apped just in time for foe-fa :D

Bad news: how am i going to get those reqs within 9weeks :(


In the new requirements it says that you need DT completed IF YOU HAVE 82+ MAGIC, yet every requirement now contains 82 magic.


Gl to those who are planning to app now.

Get them requirments!@


Considering getting my def reset to re-join. Would I be accepted 1 def with turmoil, veng etc..?

Highly doubt it man :(

The new apps look good tho


Considering getting my def reset to re-join. Would I be accepted 1 def with turmoil, veng etc..?

I really wish you would come back but don't try to get your defence reset. It might not work, you could get banned, and FOE doesn't accept turmoil accounts..

Make a new pure?  ^_^


Are you just making it harder for me to come back? IS THAT IT?!


New stat reqs arent that hard... plenty of time/ways to get them


New stat reqs arent that hard... plenty of time/ways to get them


about time you got rid of the 8year olds :p

training ONE combat stat to 99 really isnt that hard tbh. do it for foe :D


Easy for you to say Vloo. You're a machine.


Considering getting my def reset to re-join. Would I be accepted 1 def with turmoil, veng etc..?

I really wish you would come back but don't try to get your defence reset. It might not work, you could get banned, and FOE doesn't accept turmoil accounts..

Make a new pure?  ^_^

Not got the time to make a fresh pure mate (N)

Even if it meant resetting my prayers and not using turmoil on trips, minis etc I would

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