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Range Training....

ox finalzero

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Hey guys, long time since iv been around but i decided to make a new pure. Hes currently 60 range and i wanna know if i should use bonebolts with zammy book or iron arrows with mage short bow. all help will be much appreciated :)


I never knew Unholy Books fired bone bolts?


I never knew Unholy Books fired bone bolts?

Lol, smart ass.

Use Bronze/Iron Knives IMO, if you can't afford it - Just use Bone Bolts.


Try the sling-shot out, and slayer with it or so, or just camp at ogres/fire giants ;)


You know me Elven B)

OT: do what Leon said. But camp with a Zanik's bow if you have one..sling..or yeah, bone bolts and an unholy book :lol:


You know me Elven B)

OT: do what Leon said. But camp with a Zanik's bow if you have one..sling..or yeah, bone bolts and an unholy book :lol:

I wasn't joking lol.


Hits as fast as msb, costs nothing.


iight about tht sling shot.. it looks like a fking joke lol u need 1 rng..... ill prob go with bone bolts or iron knifes. thanks guys :)


I never knew Unholy Books fired bone bolts?


Oh and for range training, it's best to use a ranged weapon to hit monsters.


Yeah that other sling shot aint bad.

Just you get hp so I thought why wouldn't you just use bronze arrows.

I checked a topic a while ago and in that guide they said it was 40k with Kayle's sling, 45k with bronze knives and 50k p/h xp with iron knives.

That was max range for mains but just shows that they are worse then bronze knives, so check if its worth it ;). u don't have to finish the quest to get the item btw.


I wasn't joking either Leon. Sling is pro.

Benny The Leak LMAO

I never knew Unholy Books fired bone bolts?

Wow i took that the wrong way and thought you meant that Unholy Book gives bone bolts like some special fire ability or sum shit (shows you what 4months absence on RS can do)


Sling is good, try it out


I never knew Unholy Books fired bone bolts?

Lol, smart ass.

Use Bronze/Iron Knives IMO, if you can't afford it - Just use Bone Bolts.

Lool ^^^

Cannon green drags :p to lvl 90+ thats what i did =DDD

Gareth l Rare

I never knew Unholy Books fired bone bolts?

Lol, smart ass.

Use Bronze/Iron Knives IMO, if you can't afford it - Just use Bone Bolts.

Lool ^^^

Cannon green drags :p to lvl 90+ thats what i did =DDD

was that before or after you got into loli hienti?



iron knives for best results

Benny The Leak LMAO

iron knives for best results

Chompies are better but hella expensive =D (not to mention they cant even be used at low levels and anything under 80range is a waste)

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