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I'm training so fast, it's insane


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Edit: 97 magic rofl! Owned :).

71 smithig + 23 deungoneering to lol.


yo guys,

once again an update from your favorite pimp on the forums.

been doing loads of ranging and maging.

So lets start with mage, I've been superheating for magic.

Check the smithing.



Then ranging, I don't feel like getting loads of hp lvls so here's me not having raised 1 hp level since lvl 86 ranging :).


Ever since I stopped deungoneering at 13 I put all my lamps on it.

So this is where I'm at atm, goes faster then deung itself tbh lol.

No pic of latest update, so the level has been put into the picture.


And then finally some pk's, got loooooooasd tbh. I'm getting good at this account.

These are just 2 pics out of many.

The first picture: Double kill, my mate got the other loot.

The second kill was constantly praying melee, just owned him rofl.

Second picture: Read text in pic. He was so bad pker lol.



I know I make loads of topics but I don't like updating one topic every time I get a level.

To lazy for that shit lol.


very nice berniej!

nice stats & money you got there:p

you should join foe if you got time for it :P

old school ftw


Nice man you are training really fast.

Goodluck with the account.


I am envious of your smithing lvl :(


179k experience to 97 magic as speaking :).

Thanks guys for the comments, really appreciated :D.

Goals at 73 combat, atleast 90 range 97 magic.

IF I level to 74 I'll get 99 range 99 magic probs.

Or 94 range or w/e, till I get bored lol.

@Mighty, it ain't that hard tbh.

Just superheat steel bars and make cannonballs.

It's like 200k profit per 1k bars. Plus loads of mage and smith xp.


Keep it up man, 99 mage pretty soon for you :p


hey berniej rejoin man :p je bent active atm en als je 2-3 trips per maand doet is het al goed.

nice account ook, haal 45 pray lol


grats bro :D you play more then me lol  :rolleyes:

i should get 99 mage on richy tho .. but using all my money on flipping these days :whistle:


That is so epic..

Gratz dude ^_^ The cape looks siiick

What are ur robes in the 97 mage pic btw? :)


Nice Berniej, nice, but I have 1 question: Why do you always say "deungeoneering, if it's really spelled Dungeoneering?"


Nice Berniej, nice, but I have 1 question: Why do you always say "deungeoneering, if it's really spelled Dungeoneering?"

Hahaha! I seriously have no idea.

Probably some left over english fuck up that I've kept from I was young.

Typing deungeon instead of dungeon :p.

Now I know that I don't say deungeon anymore but it's funny that I do type deungeoneering xD.

@I2anged, robes are from spirit of the elid. I fucking always loved these robes but could never get it on berniej cuz of the 7k pray exp Oo.

So when I trained to 44 I did that quest ^^. 130-140 qp's on 39 combat B).

@Richy, when I'm superheating I'm getting more xp then high alching and lose less money.

Instead I actually gain some money sometimes, today I lost 21gp per barr. It's just the GE :). This is lowest I ever got tho.

@Pieter, Ik play niet 's avonds op vrijdag, zaterdag of zondag man. Dat zijn mijn chill dagen en dan zit ik of met mn chick of met de boys :D. Soms ga ik wel pken als ik bij gasten zit maar pk trips is niets meer voor mij man.


Wow you train fast :)


how the fuck do u manage to fuck defence up when ur botting?


how the fuck do u manage to fuck defence up when ur botting?

Sam|L A S T Dayz

gratz, really close now


Berniej, btw, you can get robes of elid w/o doing the quest, there's a little "glitch".


Berniej, btw, you can get robes of elid w/o doing the quest, there's a little "glitch".

Aaah didn't know that :p.

Though I did the quest longer then 1 year ago.

And I wanted to do quests with pray exp.


dam my favorite old skool player has returned thats how we do work

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