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Dont you hate love?


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It always happens when you're about to move.  :(


I don't believe in love


Sam|L A S T Dayz

tough break bro :(


if your under 18 then love dont exist lol your just horny as fuck and even if your 18+ the same probably still applys


if your under 18 then love dont exist lol your just horny as fuck and even if your 18+ the same probably still applys

its easier to fuck without any emotions... and im 18+ ;)

Gareth l Rare

if your under 18 then love dont exist lol your just horny as fuck and even if your 18+ the same probably still applys

Josh has spoken!


The fact that ur movin probably makes u subconsciously think u love her, ull be fine :)


i actually applied for a different university just for her. i hope its more than just a subcounsciously decision.


if your under 18 then love dont exist lol your just horny as fuck and even if your 18+ the same probably still applys

im always horny

if your under 18 then love dont exist lol your just horny as fuck and even if your 18+ the same probably still applys

im always horny

me too im down with them purple stanky coochy


i actually applied for a different university just for her. i hope its more than just a subcounsciously decision.

Really dumb move, but whatever makes u happy i guess

Gareth l Rare

i actually applied for a different university just for her. i hope its more than just a subcounsciously decision.

Look man, im not going to give you some bullshit "she's just a girl, theres plenty more fish in the sea bollox"

because i no how you feel.  :( Im going through the same thing atm, my chick is sadly the 1st chick iv ever said i love you too but atm we are both looking for uni's

Mine could take me as far as bristol and her's are other side of london.

Look, if its meant to be you too will find a way. Coaches are cheep tbh but dont ever ruin your dreams for a "maybe relationship"

End of the day, we both promised that we would go to the best uni's for what we want to do. Even if that meant being far apart.

Maybe you will listen to me, maybe you wont. Im not here to tell you what to do, thi is your life.

Just hope everything works out for you man. GL  :)


You'd know what to do if you really love her ;).

Some people also think they love the other because the girl gives him 'good attention' if u know what I mean.


@cal yeah well im applying for all the unis including the one in my hometown so i can actually switch the unis without any trouble.

@rare well for me its the first "big" love too. why has life to be that complex? -.-

@berniej there are enough girls who give me "good attention" out there but just one i actually care about and thats her.

Gareth l Rare

Well juli, least you no your not alone on this one

but only person who can make the choice is you.. ima wait until august but im still applying to all the best unis that i have a chance of getting into.

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