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20 def? maybe not so bad afterall


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since im getting 30 def eventually i decided to try 20 with 13 pray just to see how it was:

before i was this:


71 cb getting loots like this:


and now im this:


76 cb getting loots like this:




went 3/3 with 20 def and those were my loots ^

actually made a profit pking for once. this was about the total in those 3 kills:


So, maybe it's the 20 def? or i was tank ranging in BH? Don't think it was DP cause when i was 1 def when i died it was normally for like 200k. It's kinda fun so far. if your sick of 1 def give it a try. always super def pot and use your def prayer. that helps out a lot tbh.

post thoughts on 20 def or past experiences below

Richard (Jub)

Would have loved 1 def account but if you gonna get 20 def you can try it out for a bit you prob get bored and then go and be an ownage daddy with hand cannon, like that legend at clan wars lol.


idk but im 85def and get hit like i got -3 defence


i want 20 defence on my new pure ;D

and pro loots :)

Justin|1 PureDevil

You already see what i get, works for me.


your still an idiot

"i'm gona get a handcannon on my almost maxed pure derp derp"

I'm  mad on your behalf!


I always super def potted and def prayed on berniej lol :).

It really does work indeed.

Very nice mate, 20 def rocks.


20 def owns in bridin go try with mystic etc


20 def is not fun if you're combat 100 maxed. If you can stay below 90 combat with 20 def, then it's a lot better.


Lol bot


i prefer 1 def over 20 def but if i were you id stay 20 def init u get me


Hope u enjoy it, please go 40 in the long term :p


glad to see you enjoying 20def  :nice:

it is beast, gratz on looty


20 def is not fun if you're combat 100 maxed. If you can stay below 90 combat with 20 def, then it's a lot better.

I liked being maxed 20 def  :huh:


i say ruined account, atleast u should have done dagon 'hai quest for the def xp.

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