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Vid1 - OH9| Statius and G maul

b a m b iii

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Ok so after my First pk video went down ok, on Barchy. I have decided to make a new pure which i trained for 4 weeks and go pking for a video.  This my second pk video ever so please give advice if possible.  Thanks!

As I said before I am an editor just got bakc into RS also how was the editing?





Not bad for a starter pure ;)


Not bad for a starter pure ;)

Thanks mate probably doing one more video, and then leaving it to max out my other pure.

Any tips on getting subscribers?


Nice for a low level but way too repetative, made it a lil unenjoyable, u need to get some gloves and stuff etc also, good effort tho


Nice for a low level but way too repetative, made it a lil unenjoyable, u need to get some gloves and stuff etc also, good effort tho

Thanks Cal, very supportive.  I remember you liked my other pure Barchy | Pvp Worl Hybrid aswell.


you vidded a 1 itemer with rune scim pjing you? :/ clicked the x after that.


you vidded a 1 itemer with rune scim pjing you? :/ clicked the x after that.

yeah she was risking but after that I decided to remove got caught up and forgot, My clips were renamed so it fucked up the file location. Tbh no excuses my bad.


Good effot, but it was just to repeative. ;d

I'd watch the next vid though. ;)

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