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@craig i'm getting 45 defence.

@hmj i'm not getting anymore attack unless it comes by whip pking.

@pink i would get 99 but i seem to fucking combo so much so why bother with extra combats :P

@pieter, you're mean :'( i woke up level in 2 hours, took a nap which was 2 hours 15 minutes, when i looked at laptop it had just levelled up, i was meant to open the pic in duel arena but missclicked ¬_¬

@cal i plan on just doing mage while waiting for ep and targs and stuff also i dont plan on bursting for charms, unless i start slaying i'll burst + slayer but seeing as i share with an irl friend which i have been for 5 years almost, he'd just be pking all the time without helping with slayer so i doubt thats happening ;P

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2/10 atk/def. 1/10 for the skills.

you're saying my combat stats you rate 2/10 because i pked to 79 attack and im 30 defence for turmoil? good going.

and i'm obviously not a skiller

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