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The best levels to be at as a pure are 50-65 combat.


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-no mains

-90% of the wildy ur cb is other pures

-don't have to spend time questing/getting fire cape

-don't have to bring expensive gear, loot is so shtty there's no point ep'ing, wouldnt need the loot anyways.

i think we get so focused on "success" that we lose sight of things. we have to get those extra level so our friends will think we're awesome, or we want to be original and impress the youtubers, but by gaining those levels, you forget to enjoy the game. a good amount of players

get maxed>

get whip because that's not enough>

get ags because whip isn't enough>

get crapier and 80 att cuz ags isnt enough>

get 52 prayer cuz smite are leet>

get high summoning>

get turmoil>

go 70 def

maybe not in that order, or all of those items, but still. let's face it, the higher combat you are after 65, the worse pking as a pure gets.

brb, making this and disregarding my lvl 79 60 att pure


oh and yes HP and prayer blow ass. if you really think they're worth the levels you're full of shit (unless of course you actually know how to properly brid)


60-70 cb is best. :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)


Doesnt last long if u pk alot with those stats tho


or you can be like me with dat 50 atk 95 pray 78 combat owning face


why get 70 mage, keep it low as so u dont have do do shitty dt and not even use it :/

I assume you're be range-corrupts anyway.

Meh, only for ppl who like low lvl pking, i prefer high level, better loots = no rage when i get

30k loot from 100ep killing someone for berserker neck or maul.. :)


I'm 89 and pking is fun as shit :wow:



Best time to PK.

Once I got to level 70s ... it was downhill from there.

Zerkers, mains, 45 prayer.



why get 70 mage, keep it low as so u dont have do do shitty dt and not even use it :/

I assume you're be range-corrupts anyway.

Meh, only for ppl who like low lvl pking, i prefer high level, better loots = no rage when i get

30k loot from 100ep killing someone for berserker neck or maul.. :)

meh, mage isnt needed just wouldnt lvl you so i threw it in there.

i know how to flip decent enough cash, so loot really isn't a big deal.


I'm combat 73, still enjoying loads ;).

It's just how you pk and what you are good at.

If I was you, I'd get as much str and range lvls that you can get.

If I'd make an account like that I'd always get atleast 40 attack for f2p pking.


1-13prayer 50attk gmaul-rusher or 40attk f2p pker or 20attack VLS providing slayer staff (55slayer) is achieved

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