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I2anged Cape's Log


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jagex must like you ;) grats and gl with all your achievements!


last 3 days they love me :)

all the other 5 years they've hated me :L

@Reevesy.. Ty? :lol:


2 Dh helms in 2 days fuck u son!



Vnice, Dan. Why do you say vissage though? :) PS! Add me ingame, still named "Indeed Ftw" :), <3


So basically, this is what i've been doing over the past few days..


Pest Controll/Conquest.

These are what i got from both:



Pest Control:


My Bankwealth:


owait what is dat over dur?


I got 84 str and 83 hp and 86 mage but no screeny :(

This week i'll be focusing on 94 mage as i have money to spare

and i'll also be doing barrows :)



noice c:, gl wit it all


Today i've been doing barrows, alching, dming in duel arena with full void and dbow and shit, testing out 90 range and full void.

Also today i tried to get firecape! i thought "fuck it, only costs me 2 hrs and 300k"...

So i go for this fucking think, die on wave 32 cuz i wasnt paying attention and prayer dropped lol.

2nd try i get to wave 62, begining of wave (i'm 5 brews left, 3 hp and only jad and 2 magers to beat, no brews)

and i fucking d/c at the start of the wave. OH REALLY JAGEX?


I'm driving down to camebridge and cutting their balls off with a toothpick, if they think it's funny to wast my fucking time..

on a realistic note, i probably wouldnt of done it as thats my 2nd time ever in fight caves xD

OH and i'm off skl tomorrow so that day will be dedicated into getting that fucking cape :lol:

nothing else to do anyways ^_^


Today i've been doing barrows, alching, dming in duel arena with full void and dbow and shit, testing out 90 range and full void.

Also today i tried to get firecape! i thought "fuck it, only costs me 2 hrs and 300k"...

So i go for this fucking think, die on wave 32 cuz i wasnt paying attention and prayer dropped lol.

2nd try i get to wave 62, begining of wave (i'm 5 brews left, 3 hp and only jad and 2 magers to beat, no brews)

and i fucking d/c at the start of the wave. OH REALLY JAGEX?


I'm driving down to camebridge and cutting their balls off with a toothpick, if they think it's funny to wast my fucking time..

on a realistic note, i probably wouldnt of done it as thats my 2nd time ever in fight caves xD

OH and i'm off skl tomorrow so that day will be dedicated into getting that fucking cape :lol:

nothing else to do anyways ^_^

BL broo


Btw i have EXACTLY 18m xD


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