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Tormented Demons :)


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Only took 250+ kills to get, but I got it :D

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I'll post more pics as I get more loots

EDIT: Just hit a 48 37 on one with Dragon halberd.


Just died :'( lost about


hunt godlink

O nice =p


Nice. I was hoping that you were super lucky and got a D Claw drop.

Still real nice though.


what does that thing actually do? I mean, it's worth money I guess, is that where you make a d plate or something?, always been wondering xD


Nice how much is it?

I got like 2.8 for it


what does that thing actually do? I mean, it's worth money I guess, is that where you make a d plate or something?, always been wondering xD

You get the Lump, the Shard, and the Slice and you forge them together with a 1 million gp hammer at the mithril dragon forge right by where you kill mithril dragons, you forge them into a dragon plate...takes 92 smithing (I think you need 99 tbh)

EDIT: Lol quoted myself, wtf...Idk how that happened


2/8 for it? nice lol

Manraj - Gan

what is it  :)

Piece of Dragon Plate.


250 kills for that =\.

Wouldn't you of spent more on supplies?

Y4nk33 D33s

nice, gl getting d claws at tormented demons

| Kosturo |

Very nice m8!

Hope someday get d claws!!

My friend just get d claws 10 minitues before i send this message :P

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