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Low level pure money making


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ok im a level 33 pure 35 str 40 attk and i need to make money for my rune scim (and buy some more ones so i can nonstop pk for a while) with my stats im not a good pker yet because i decided to get attak up first even so everywhere on non members at my level people either dont get skulled or 1 tem pk ¬_¬ noobs ive strated training up mining but is there a better way? (not wc)



Look on guides sections

Heres a few:

Spinning flax

Flesh Crawlers

Desert goats


Whatever drop's best gp's kill it. There is no over night miracle.


Very simple to make money on a new account. 2 months ago, when I made this account member I was only a level 3 shabby skiller. Cut pineapples into rings (makes 4 rings per.) and use them on plain pizzas. Buy both the pineapples and the plain pizzas on the ge. I made 2mil the first day, but if you don't have 65 cooking just cook trout for 65. I heard anchovy pizzas work too, but I've never tried them, and if they did work it is much lower gain.


Do whatever till 80-83 hunter.

Go dragon imps, enjoy the insane monies. I made 10M there in a day before.


Snape grass running makes 250k an hour.  Look up a guide for how to do it.


go sit in bh for an hour or till you get a target and kill, 1.5m off 3 kills on my lvl 20 ;)


Killing Goblins.

Seriously, you should take the "Foe's top 20 postcount" out of ur sig, and maybe do real fucking posts? jesus chirst,


Way i made about 5m in a few days

Get 45 flecth(take maybe 30mins)

gather some GP, maybe by killing druids

Buy maple logs

Fletch into planks


make 375Gp proft each

Sell to main or GE.

and if you're using RSbot, then once you get a couple k logs going, set ur self over night, wake up 5m in ur bank.


I made about 20m killing druigs i suggest that, PS RSbot is ftl.


May I recommend an easy method for F2P Monkey Making:

TeleGrabbing Wines of Zamorak;

1: Bring Air Staff / 100 Law Runes / 10 Water Runes

2. Walk to Zamorak Monk Altar beside Goblin Village

3. Telegrab a Full Inventory of Wines, Respawn time : 28 s.

4. Teleport To Falador, bank, repeat from step 2.

5. Let's calculate. 1 Zamorak Wine = Roughly 900gp on Average ( Price fluctuates frequently ) x 26 Wines = 23,400gp / 13 minutes, which equates to about 93,600/ hour.


Thanks for all your help guys you are soo friendly i wasnt expecting this many posts i love this community although im not sure about the goblins post ii think ill try out all of your ideas (except goblins) and see how i get along and can i ask what RSbot is? if its a auitoer i've never used one of them and isnt it agaisnt foe rules? i know its against rs rules but... i dunno

  • 2 weeks later...

cow hides? llol

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