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I got hacked by the worst pker ever.


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I had 83M on my zerker in cash and items yesterday. I log on today and everything but 5M is gone.. Either they died alot pking or they gave out tricks either way I GOT FUCKED. So mad..



got the ip when u logged?

Gareth l Rare

^hope you did, don't rage if you didn't.... if not, don't blame ya because you didn't no to look.

Look now you have 78m worth of dp

If you want some tricks ill help ya out but you will make it all back eventually through pking


id say ul atleast recover atleast 50m worth of items in pking with this week with such high dp


I Really dont see how people get hacked...either sharing with somebody wich is dumb as fuck,phishing sites once again have to be retarted to do...


fail. Sharing accounts= bad


I'm aggravated with the situation not mad. I definently got a rat so I restored my computer to over 2 months ago to make sure its gone. I didn't share the password with anyone either. Yeah I have a lot of DP now though, I'm pumped haha.


That's what you get for using an account that isn't yours noob


Don't get how everyone gets hacked!


sucks, never got hacked though since im on a mac


That's what you get for using an account that isn't yours noob

LoL it was my zerker..


U MAD BROO????????????????


How the fuck can you get hacked? you must did something dumbĀ  :D

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