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Pro-Pure, Anti-Def/ Soaking Runescape Forum Thread! Please SUPPORT! Save Pures


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Quick find code: 248-249-959-62015859

please refrain from flaming, and please keep bumping it to keep it alive so jagex doesnt make Pures useless

Sam|L A S T Dayz

whats the point? jamflex didnt put the wild back when they took it away. what, honestly, makes you think they are going to change this "revolutionary" update?


because for the wild, they had a replacement for it and it didnt directly effect the WHOLE PURPOSE OF A PURE


I too thought this was going to be bad but then, I started to read about it and it's not that bad.

Taken from MM Forums:

"Soak only affects damage over 200. If you hit 300 and the opponent has a 10% soak (considering the dungeoneering shields have 14%, I find this very unlikely) then it'll soak up 10% of the 100 damage you did over the 200 cap. That's 10.

So instead of hitting 300, you hit 290. Hardly the 'end of pures' as you put it. In the end we can sit here crying about the update all day, but Jagex have yet to release any solid information about it. You're not going to gain anything from simply guessing what kind of effects this has in PvP."

I think pure, especially the lower level ones, are the pking class that was less affected with this update.


honestly this affects no one unless ur like a 90 cb pure.


Jesus fuck if I see another one of these topics complaining about something that doesn't affect them at all...


I too thought this was going to be bad but then, I started to read about it and it's not that bad.

Taken from MM Forums:

"Soak only affects damage over 200. If you hit 300 and the opponent has a 10% soak (considering the dungeoneering shields have 14%, I find this very unlikely) then it'll soak up 10% of the 100 damage you did over the 200 cap. That's 10.

So instead of hitting 300, you hit 290. Hardly the 'end of pures' as you put it. In the end we can sit here crying about the update all day, but Jagex have yet to release any solid information about it. You're not going to gain anything from simply guessing what kind of effects this has in PvP."

I think pure, especially the lower level ones, are the pking class that was less affected with this update.

Someone quoted me. I feel so special.


honestly this affects no one unless ur like a 90 cb pure.

im lv 87, summoning & def 1, so it affects me alot


im lv 87, summoning & def 1, so it affects me alot

How exactly is this going to affect you a lot? The only way it's going to affect you is if you're running around with weapons which have high individual hits. Even then I don't see how it's going to change anything. Most pures rely on KOing their opponent. It's very rare that you'll be hitting the exact amount of health they have left, and that's the only way this update is going to have any sort of negative effect on your PvP trips.

Unless you're referring to the fact that over the course of an entire fight you'll statistically have hit them for less than you would have before, in which case you should keep in mind that the exact same mechanics which restrict you are affecting your opponent as well.

Personally I'd be more interested in Jagex's next attempt to sort out the combat triangle. They said quite explicitly that this is only a small change which is a part of some sort of larger scheme.


No No No



And err, NO


They will never update something then remove it just because a few pures made a topic about it. They made it for a reason.

Times change; move on or quit.

They've always said pures were a 'glitch' in the combat triangle.


only thing i hate bout the soaking update is how gay the hits look like i still pk the same


why complain if its knocking off realisticly .10 of a hit? >.>


only thing bad is main clans will be more of a threat


I don't like the update but I think your post was very wrongly worded.


The update barely changed anything so stop crying about it.


Evidently its a shit update, but its pointless startin a thread like that seeing as when Jagex make up their minds

they wont do it, if they gave into pressure we wouldve had the wildy back within hours of it being taken away..

It aint gonna happen sorry


because for the wild, they had a replacement for it and it didnt directly effect the WHOLE PURPOSE OF A PURE

Isn't the purpose of a pure having the better stats at a lower combat compared to a apponent and thus killing them for easy loot?

^ Removing the wilderness had more of an impact to pures than this update.

And they didn't have a replacement right away...


This is blown out of proportion, if your a main then it may affect u tho


update doesnt really affect pures that much...


its not that much advantage its like instead of a 40 you will hit a 36 but at dms their will be much of a difrence :S


people dont realize that shit never gets changed through forum topics


it only soaks up to 200lp? stop bitching and it wont affect pures under 85 cb

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