Smush Posted December 15, 2010 Posted December 15, 2010 Yeah I quit RS. So I decided to reflect on some old memories and I want to hear some of yours as well. My favorite memories include ... 1. Me getting introduced to the game when I was in 3rd grade. 2. Me getting lured for bank to the wildy and having to start all over again. 3. Me trying hard to get membership, and finally got it by using my friend's phone while he was in the bathroom. (Sneaky bastard huh?) 4. Me making my first pure. (0 Pur3twin 0 gay ass name I know) 5. Staking was fun as hell. All the memories of staking, losing bank, cleaning other people's banks. (Gained like 30m staking) Lost it all. 6. Playing Castle Wars for the fun of it. 7. Questing because quests were actually adventurous back in the day. 8. Skilling because skilling was kinda cool. 9. Seeing teams actually PK in W124 and W137. 10. Being a noob and when everything in Runescape just felt new. The days of being a noob. Yeah most of these memories are old school and I've had some fun times playing Runescape. Quests were fun back then, PKing was a blast, staking was my favorite, and everything felt new. Now Runescape seems old and boring. The love is gone. SHARE YOURS PLOX?
Paxman Posted December 15, 2010 Posted December 15, 2010 1. Best mates brother introducing me to the game whilst he was round my house picking up his bro in 05. 2.Going into wildi first time with my mil i'd earned from 3. Finding out my neighbourhood friends played RS and they were all pures pking. 4. Made a pure, pked with them (sat at one of my mates houses, we'd all bring laptops :L) 5. Wildi removed. all friends quit. i was left alone.. cold.. hungry.. 6. Making first properly good pure as i saw foe vids, wanted to be part of clan 7. Made another 5-6 and finally ended up apping xD 8. Cutting jagex's balls as they make more and more gay ass updates. Oh and who could forget being a noob for 3-4 years, not really knowing what i was doing :lol: questing was also prized, high qp, high dick-length/runescape pixel ratio AND IM STILL GOING (moderately) STRONG! <3
Smush Posted December 15, 2010 Author Posted December 15, 2010 Yeah I probably should have added FOE as a memory. And yeah I know what you mean about your friends coming together to play Runescape side by side. Me and my friends used to always do that, almost everyday after school we used to go to the library and just play Runescape for an hour or two. And the whole wildy thing really ..... SUCKED.
Creamie pies Posted December 15, 2010 Posted December 15, 2010 losing a black longsword at chaos dwarfs :( I honestly was so upset and I used to think brass necklaces were worth a lot so I'd always loot them. Then I lost a rune scimmy to some 68 with 99 str dumb hoe
Paxman Posted December 15, 2010 Posted December 15, 2010 losing a black longsword at chaos dwarfs :( I honestly was so upset and I used to think brass necklaces were worth a lot so I'd always loot them. Then I lost a rune scimmy to some 68 with 99 str dumb hoe Hahaha i remember one time on my main, i sneakily went into wildi with 940k on me to buy some runes, thought i was safe.. SOME BASTARD COMES ALONG BARAGES ME IN MY FULL RUNE! CUNT! so i die rage quit and get back to mining another 3 weeks worth of pure ess where i'd die again at mage arena. LOL :wow:
Mucky Posted December 15, 2010 Posted December 15, 2010 1.getting my first membership, was pretty exciting being able to theif from a man in lumby 2. getting dropped by strange plants and losing bank while afk fishing 3. getting bank when people died to randoms 4. being able to pk with 70def 80range 70mage using ice burst black d hide chaps and ghostly top mage short and actually get kills 5. doing all night pk trips in old wild :P 6. making my first pure and multi pk at varrok with loads of other lvl 30's and dropping mans for bank lewt Then rs died and i dont have any good memorys after this :(
alec Posted December 15, 2010 Posted December 15, 2010 Played rs and watched my cousin cry when he got trapped by evil bob and couldn't escape. Staying up till 7 in the morning in 6th grade training my main in full addy on alkirad warriors. Getting my first pk which was a green cape. makes me smile looking back.
FearMy Def Posted December 15, 2010 Posted December 15, 2010 1.My brother introducing runescape to me bak in 05-06 2.Not being able to complete tutorial island, needing my bro's help 3.My brother and cousin quit scape, leaving me alone 4.Low level cb pking at ditch, good memories 5.My first account gone, scammed by someone claiming he was in jagex asking if i wanted free membership 6.Quit and come back play another account i make 7.Get that account up, then finding about pures 8. And know im missing my main and enjoying my time in FOE :D
Coweyy Posted December 15, 2010 Posted December 15, 2010 1. Did gertrudes cat when it came out and felt bad ass when the cat followed me 2.watched my brother at the age of 7 doing tutorial island and I wanted to try it 3. got hacked on first account since my Micahfighter and my pass was micahman >.> 4. my bro let me play on his account 5.tried to make a "clan" so i got 2 people and we spammed varrock bank and said "if you want to join a clan come up ladder" 6. a pure came up ladder and we went to the wildy with him and he pwned everyone and I was like "WOAH" 7. When i got my first 10k i saw that the image changed and I was like "YEAHHH" 8.when i got dragon longsword and dragon dagger and I clicked special attack 9.making my cash by stealing grey wolf fur and selling it to the fur trader at varrock which was 120gp each 10. went to first FOE pk trip and I was saying OMG the whole time 11. most remembered thing about foe skip to 6:13
watch me tb Posted December 15, 2010 Posted December 15, 2010 started playing in 6th grade, in 2003. mining copper and selling it to general store to make my first 1k. seeing how much mage owned people and using fire strike pking at level 30+ first pure making new mage accounts getting 45 mage pkin and quitting. killing people at fear figs 99 str party at castle drags. luring. staying up aaalllll night trying to get one more kill mom bitchin at me for being on comp too much prob the most fun i evr had on rs, was when i first started, and knew nothing about the game. being a big ass noob.
Smush Posted December 15, 2010 Author Posted December 15, 2010 Yeah, now the memories of my parents constantly getting pissed at me for playing the game and wasting hours upon hours on it are coming back. The days in the summer/winter where I just chilled and mined essence/woodcut. Now I look back at it, what a waste of time. I could have used all that time to learn another instrument or become an evil genius. Instead I was making some E-Cash. $$$
Dravid Posted December 15, 2010 Posted December 15, 2010 1. introduced by a friend in grade 3 2.playing it at school on our given laptops with friends 3. pking at varrock lvl 1 when it was multi 4. making level 3 twins with friends and getting mage and going varrock multi for free loot 5.playing scape for 16 hours one day non stop just to finish dt (lol, yea slow) many more which i cant remember :S
Berniej Posted December 15, 2010 Posted December 15, 2010 Not like anybody is going to read upto my post, because I cba'd to read all of y'all posts. All like 1 to 10 and big sentences, about things I can't relate to mostly. but staking is my biggest memory of rs, and I'll always think of that :(.
Ep Posted December 15, 2010 Posted December 15, 2010 Scammed one kids santa hat etc about 30m on 07 I was happy mang :>
d72 Posted December 15, 2010 Posted December 15, 2010 Made my very first account during the summer of grade five, almost 7 years ago, after a kid on my brother's hockey team introduced him and I to the game... My mom even played for a while; got up to lvl 5 and stopped lol Some of the best memories I have, but definitely not the least of them: 1) When santa hats were 250k, green masks were 600k, blue masks were 800k and red masks were 1.4m 2) Merching rune scimitars (buy for 30k, sell at 35k) and thinking I was scamming noobs 3) Walking behind the west bank at Varrock in world 1 for the first time and losing my mind 4) Person I used to know IRL selling me his lvl 85 account for 80k and then stealing it back the next day 5) Having the balls to pull off the biggest heist on a lvl 112 and actually succeeding 6) Making my first legitimate pure (oxx0xx0xx0) 7) Joining my very first clan (HybridPures back in early '06 with CursedHawk and Bobbin, shit was great) 8) Exploring the edge of the wildy gate in F2P with IRL friends and in complete awe seeing the snow all the way west in lvl 48 wildy, thinking that the runes on the floor there were some kind of rare weapons 9) Box staking away millions 10) Thinking that Goblin Village was an actual town 11) Trying everything in the book to get my parents to give me a membership 12) Getting my first 10k from a lvl 106 named "Brockenhead" for a potato because he felt bad for me, and losing it to scorpions in Al Kharid 13) Training on cows in lumby 14) Spending 2 weeks trying to get this guy to go into the wildy with his blue mask on so that I could kill him (He ended up killing me when I tried) 15) Scaring the fuck out of Hans 16) Watching I H Q 6 9's 5th vid with my jaw on the floor 17) Being a packrat and carrying everything with me, only to die and lose it all 18) Wanting to joing the Phoenix gang so bad without actually knowing that it was only there for a part of the Shield of Arrav quest 19) MSPainting peoples' pictures of their multi billion dollar photoshopped banks onto a picture of my bank and showing my friends (They bought it) 20) PKing my very first set of rune :(
Smush Posted December 16, 2010 Author Posted December 16, 2010 Lol I love old school scams. Used to try that on kids back in the day. The trust game, or the 111k trick, and a bunch of other things. And I do remember trying to get in the Phoenix gang and thinking I was badass when I finally joined. And funny story about you losing 10k at Al Kharid Scorpions, cause I gave my friend 20k in 2006 and he died at scorpions too. I remember mains giving me cash because they felt bad, and I built up from there. From a 20k donation to millionsss $$$.
Chris Posted December 16, 2010 Posted December 16, 2010 1. no arm obs on mage staking 2. fally park w2 3. luring w2 4. specing out other lurers for 3a 5. loling at my 9 year old brother dancing around the room in excitement when he got sara plate from party room 6. manipluating stuff 7. rare trading
Mighty_Irwin Posted December 16, 2010 Posted December 16, 2010 - pking my first scim - hill pking in general - luring - oh, and the gr8 friends i've made through the years <3
Spittles (Old School) Posted December 16, 2010 Posted December 16, 2010 Buying my first rune scimitar ever. Trading my first rune scimitar for a rune battle axe, full black armor, and 100 swordies. (fucking ripped the kid xD) Pking with a few of my irl friends on our old shitty accounts Pking a green phat in F2P Bsing in the old bh crater with Violence Inc (Divinity) Those are the old memories that I remember and miss the most. :p
Guest Sowat Impure Posted December 16, 2010 Posted December 16, 2010 lold when i got scammed for my full steel when the guy told me would trim it, almost quit that day pking hills (best ever), pking low varrock, varrock in general tbh i guess idk about a main, never really had one making my first pure "ur turn 2die" epic name i know and pking in varrock with peeps.
RJC Posted December 16, 2010 Posted December 16, 2010 My favorite times on RuneScape were probably when I first started off. Everything was new to me and it truly was an adventure. Now I just do the same thing repeatedly or train the same skills, with so many Fan Sites and helpful tools RuneScape has become more of a "machine" for me.
Jay Posted December 16, 2010 Posted December 16, 2010 1. Doing mm on my first account. 2. Getting lured for all my shit. 3. When i saw this guy drop trading and picked up like 20m worth of stuff l0l. 4. My first kill in edge. I picked up glory and tabbed. 5. Making level 10-20 f2p accounts with friends and owning :lol:.
Coweyy Posted December 16, 2010 Posted December 16, 2010 My favorite times on RuneScape were probably when I first started off. Everything was new to me and it truly was an adventure. Now I just do the same thing repeatedly or train the same skills, with so many Fan Sites and helpful tools RuneScape has become more of a "machine" for me. So true
gfdgfd Posted December 16, 2010 Posted December 16, 2010 1. Doing mm on my first account. 2. Getting lured for all my shit. 3. When i saw this guy drop trading and picked up like 20m worth of stuff l0l. 4. My first kill in edge. I picked up glory and tabbed. 5. Making level 10-20 f2p accounts with friends and owning :lol:. tabs were out when you got your first kill? newfag
Ikz Posted December 16, 2010 Posted December 16, 2010 Getting lost in the varrock lumberyard in 2001, the entrance isn't visible and even today I have trouble finding it. When RS2 came out and experiencing all the bugs that came with it Runecrafting's release because it revolutionized magic and EVERYONE DID IT because this was before pures and skillers were common, now people look at RCing and shrug. Upsetting really. but of course I don't know anyone on these forums minus beastdefire that played back then with proof of playing
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