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Favorite RS Memories.


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Getting lost in the varrock lumberyard in 2001, the entrance isn't visible and even today I have trouble finding it.

When RS2 came out and experiencing all the bugs that came with it

Runecrafting's release because it revolutionized magic and EVERYONE DID IT because this was before pures and skillers were common, now people look at RCing and shrug. Upsetting really.

but of course I don't know anyone on these forums minus beastdefire that played back then with proof of playing

2001 is a lil to far back for me indeed lol.

I started around 2004 on my uber noob lol.

But I think it was exactly the same in 2004.

Or atleast, at that point not much had been changed.


Taking about twenty hours to do Monkey Madness as like a level 70 main and feeling like a beast with my d scim.

Buying full black g for 50k and dying to tribal warriors on Brimhaven cos they poisoned me and didn't know where bank was.

Taking it in turns with a friend doing Fight Caves to see the highest wave we could get, ( about 9 )

Followed some pure around for about 2 hours because he had 96 strength at like 75 combat.

Selling an obby ring ( the range weapon worth like 150gp ) for about 200k each one, as hardly anyone knew what they were

I also remember buying a seercull for about 2mil when i didn't know what it was -.-

Oh, and the final thing, obtaining 99 fish. That's my most recent, like six months ago, but took me so long, so yeah, great feeling.

EDIT: Just remembered how me and two/three friends would make an account like 'Gud Str Pl0x', 'Gud Str Plox', 'Good Str Pl0x' and 'Good Str Plox' and then get to about 15 combat with wind bolt etc, and just batter people who came in. And then we'd become adventurous and start wind bolt > shortbow > steel scim.


- Joining Foe

- Getting fire cape on my main end of 2006, doing some friendly dm's with a friend, I died, he fced me for lulz and he thought I already got my cape back, I was screaming my ass off on ventrilo then I got it back with ~10 seconds left

- Trading a kid 4 dba's then killing him for his whip. Had a vid of tht got 30k views on yt. Then my little brother raged at me, got on my yt account when i wasnt there and deleted all my vids. I had gotten 2 new computers since then so all the clips were gone :/


Doing dragon slayer for the 1st time

Buying my first santa for 180k in w2 rsc (later it got scammed off me LOL)

Training my first pure at the rats in the dungeon just south of falador (the one in dragon slayer)

Getting p2p and then moving onto the goblins in the cave just near the fishing guild and training harder

Using my new stats to make eventually just under 20m bandit camp pking in f2p xD

All weapons being the same speed was nice & i used to just love fishing semi-afk with some oldschool songs :p


Hills were badass. Loved Pking in Hills and Giants.

And times when you actually had to type: Selling Rune Scimitar 25k instead of just selling in the GE.

I felt like a badass as well finishing Dragon Slayer.

And all the great friends I've had playing Runescape. Gotta love their personalities.

Anddddd .. PKing WHILE on Ventrilo. Man do I love talking on a mic instead of typing.


60->70 attack at hobgoblins and getting enough for my first whip @1.5m, i was so fucking happy lol


Made my very first account during the summer of grade five, almost 7 years ago, after a kid on my brother's hockey team introduced him and I to the game... My mom even played for a while; got up to lvl 5 and stopped lol

Some of the best memories I have, but definitely not the least of them:

1) When santa hats were 250k, green masks were 600k, blue masks were 800k and red masks were 1.4m

2) Merching rune scimitars (buy for 30k, sell at 35k) and thinking I was scamming noobs

3) Walking behind the west bank at Varrock in world 1 for the first time and losing my mind

4) Person I used to know IRL selling me his lvl 85 account for 80k and then stealing it back the next day

5) Having the balls to pull off the biggest heist on a lvl 112 and actually succeeding

6) Making my first legitimate pure (oxx0xx0xx0)

7) Joining my very first clan (HybridPures back in early '06 with CursedHawk and Bobbin, shit was great)

8) Exploring the edge of the wildy gate in F2P with IRL friends and in complete awe seeing the snow all the

way west in lvl 48 wildy, thinking that the runes on the floor there were some kind of rare weapons

9) Box staking away millions

10) Thinking that Goblin Village was an actual town

11) Trying everything in the book to get my parents to give me a membership

12) Getting my first 10k from a lvl 106 named "Brockenhead" for a potato because he felt bad for me, and

losing it to scorpions in Al Kharid

13) Training on cows in lumby

14) Spending 2 weeks trying to get this guy to go into the wildy with his blue mask on so that I could kill himĀ  (He ended up killing me when I tried)

15) Scaring the fuck out of Hans

16) Watching I H Q 6 9's 5th vid with my jaw on the floor

17) Being a packrat and carrying everything with me, only to die and lose it all

18) Wanting to joing the Phoenix gang so bad without actually knowing that it was only there for a part of the Shield of Arrav quest

19) MSPainting peoples' pictures of their multi billion dollar photoshopped banks onto a picture of my bank and showing my friends (They bought it)

20) PKing my very first set of rune



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