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chaotic Weapon.

z Jack

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get staff first but work toward both (:

Thats the plan so far.


na man theres not a lot of pures as it is, if i go 75 att ill be like 86 combat and fight tanks :S + 60 attack pures are sexy.

Justin|1 PureDevil

Staff first then crossbow.

Sam|L A S T Dayz

Staff first then crossbow.


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i say chaotic crossbow if u use range more often then magic


I'd recommend getting chaotic staff first (from those options) I'd get arcane as well


Obviously Chaotic Staff first


if you're getting a chaotic, just get fucking 80 attack and rapier. Unless you're 40 def with turmoil, the extra cb's are worth it(and even then, opinions vary)

that is, unless you never pk. if you only pk in clanwars or in pvp/+0, get staff.

and i don't see much use in cbow, accuracy isn't that much needed on pures since you'll be mainly fighting 1 def(especially if you're only 60 attack)


i have staff at 59 cmb with stream on my now 60 attack account 64 cmb i was hiting constent 35+ with blitz staff is very good but i think crossbow is very good aswell im gonna say crossbow cause you dont have to get like a ammy for t

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