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G&A of Bruise.


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Hey everyone,

I figured eveyone else has one, why not make one myself? For all of you who don't know me, I'm Kacey, or as some as you may know, "Verango Strr". I was FOE for six months in 2008 back on that account, and was one of the two, the other being Aeons Decay, to find that pures could wear Addy and Rune Gloves.

Since being hacked for Defence on Ver, I've experimented with different sorts of accounts, and have come to realise that none of them are as fun as a good pure.

Enter: Bruise.

Account History

I made this account back in 2008, and it was basically my project while I AFK trained on other accounts. I learned that Mining and Smithing are very profitable, so I decided to just train those skills from then on. This account was supposed to be a skiller, but I've decided that due to it's decent networth from the skilling, that I am going to turn it into a pure.

Starting Net Value


Starting Stats


Decent start up fund. Should be able to make quite a fair amount of money getting the dual 90's that I want, then will work from there.

If you read all this, thanks, much appreciated. It feels good to be back in the community, and to have an account with one Defence again.



Thanks, and Lileh, I remember you. :huh:



One more till bankkkk.  :mellow:


that looks hardcore botted, gl anyways


that looks hardcore botted, gl anyways

If you can't get these stats while afk , don't call others botters and just Gtfo RuneScap  :haha:


that looks hardcore botted, gl anyways

If I botted it, why would I spend more time playing it legitly?

Why would I make a forum thread, just to have people laugh at me when I get reset/banned for it?

Use some common sense, and don't assume that every kid that has good stats is a bot.

some kids actually enjoy playing the game still.


Awesome kacey! Keep it up and goodluck with those dual 90s :)


Awesome kacey! Keep it up and goodluck with those dual 90s :)

<3  ;o


that looks hardcore botted, gl anyways

If you can't get these stats while afk , don't call others botters and just Gtfo RuneScap  :haha:

Lol? he has trained only 2 skills,so it does look like a he botted,


Guest Emote|Muse

Y'kno, guys, it's still possible to enjoy this game.

Good luck, Kacey. :3


Y'kno, guys, it's still possible to enjoy this game.

Good luck, Kacey. :3

:wub: :wub:


lol.... not botted hopefully.


don't get banned.


Good luck, I wanna believe that you're legit though.


Vnice, Kacey. I remember your awesome account :)



Did both strongholds, because I forgot which one actually gave the exp lamps. Going to be looking for lamps from quests and what not so that I can get over all the small floors relatively easily.

Any ideas what else I can do for lamps or anything that I can use on Dungeoneering, aside from Swept Away?


Wow didn't know you were Verango.

Welcome back mate ;), Goodluck.


Good luck with 99 mining & smithing :)



Time for bankkkkkk.  :mellow:



Product of lamps and what not. :)



Decided to work on another skill in between making Cannonballs.

Got 40 for now for Family Crest for the Goldsmithing Gaunlets.


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