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pking has changed.


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So fucking true.... Everyone is brewing/p necking/ using rocktails/overheads... Botting 95 pray for turmoil botting money for ags and stuff, using autoswitcher and stuff like that... Pking isn't fun at all anymore, people keep raging, all like: SMD, Fuck off nerd, loser l2pk, faillllllll, no veng, amgg 99 str nty, omygosh 95 att I better log out and hide in safezone be4 I lose targutt! omggg

Lol you think brewing and phoenix necklaces and rocktails are bad? If you can't hit more then train your attack


Its funny, all these new vids that come out that are meant to be amazin and stuff, theyre alright but to me theyl never be as good as a kids ranqe vid or a barb chef etc


Its funny, all these new vids that come out that are meant to be amazin and stuff, theyre alright but to me theyl never be as good as a kids ranqe vid or a barb chef etc


Its funny, all these new vids that come out that are meant to be amazin and stuff, theyre alright but to me theyl never be as good as a kids ranqe vid or a barb chef etc

ik. its something about the simplicity of those vids that make it entertaining. you'd think it'd b boring.. lol.


I remember back when kids ranqe was in foe and he was just a terrible member, just didnt show up to anything.  He was the best no-lifer any of us had seen though



PKing is way too intricate now.

I remember when all you brought with you was a D long and a DDS, a super set and a full inventory of food, and that was it. No, not even a scimmy, D fucking long.

Wait weve upgraded to dscim? i still just use msb and ags..

Keepin it simple ftw?

Edit: just read that and it makes no sense at all >.<

I mean i die to people using Dlong as spec weapon sumtimes and I just keep it simple with a msb and an ags

Pretty sure the times he is talking about AGS was never heard of. Let alone the typical ****** rangers.

Ah okey like realll old school not just old school old school >.<

I played a main in like 2005 era so I didnt pk pretty much at all

Only started my first pure about 5/6months before trade update/they took wildy away

theres only one oldschool lmfao


I've thought about this to :P


Brings back the memories, even a year changed a lot i went on to pk for the first time in a year and the games going to shit, unless this wildy update comes

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