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Fuck im jealous, 72/99 now :/, just started ;p

Gonna do death runes I think, just as fast xp imo, and more cash.

GL on your way to 99 =)


nice one dude :)


Wow, Adam, you're still alive :) (got me added still?) 'grats though.


Wow, Adam, you're still alive :) (got me added still?) 'grats though.

Sure do sir


Wow, Adam, you're still alive :) (got me added still?) 'grats though.

Sure do sir

Benny The Leak LMAO

Ooooh that sexy

Gl on 99


Wow, Adam, you're still alive :) (got me added still?) 'grats though.

Sure do sir

Dougie, you're fu****g retarded, you just randomly quote our talk and think you're cool with +1's? Gtfo, ty.

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