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I need A pure tip from FOE


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Ok here are my Status atm Posted Image

And when i Train i waste lots of money on food because i dont like to fish. So im f2p should i get 20 def becasue i can get betetr armor and so i can train faster without wasting money?? if you can help me send a comment ty

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20 defence lol? Are you crazy?

Your stats atm are very low, and 20 deff isn't pure, it would just be a waste. Train range up first, you don't need food for that and its the best way for pking imo anyway.

Also, if possible, get members.

As a last resort, fish yourself. DO NOT GET 20 DEFF THOUGH.

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Crue Nation

2 def start over now your stats are low m8

What he said. And try training on something that gives money and low level. Like cows, not the fastest exp but gives money and takes little food.

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you should start again :p

if you don't have the courage nvm you can go on with 2 def... its not like you're failed?  :huh:

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your best re-startin while u still can dude like these are sayin, start fresh, start a skill like fishin and cookin and try and make a little money on it

then you should start with range best way to start

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