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why pures get defence whit...


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why the pures get defence whit gravite 2h ??

i just got gravite rapier cuz was scared to buy a g2h.

im gona get g2h but it gives def or wat????  :mellow:


it does if you use a scim. use a rune long and you will be ok. also, when u die, and its on crush. it puts it on defense. so make sure after every death make sure to change it back.

Benny The Leak LMAO

so basically jagex made this sword called the gravite 2h and everything about it screams pure wrecker??


yeah, my bro has a g2h, its really good, but u just have to remember to switch it back.


yeah its just the only effective way to use g2h  is on crush mode.. but you cant use that while using a scim or maple shortbow.. so you would be having to switch styles everytime you switched.. i got def from dieing and returning w/ it, was on defence mode and got from 3-6 def with it


didnt know lol


eh i'm not getting one, i sold my whip cuz im scared of getting defense on that l0l


Wow i didn't know this lmfao. Thanks for letting me know :D


Wow i didn't know this lmfao. Thanks for letting me know :D


gravite is for nubs


i like you because u show counter strike pride.


Wow i didn't know this lmfao. Thanks for letting me know :D

Gravite is shit and not worth it.

make your fucking mind up, retard.


Wow i didn't know this lmfao. Thanks for letting me know :D

Gravite is shit and not worth it.

make your fucking mind up, retard.


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