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yugio cards

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so i found like a fucking thousand yugio cards in the closet today... i googled the price of some of them, and a few were worth around 150 bucks... others 50. idk what retard would pay that for a card.. but where could i sell these?

also, im selling a lotta my shit... if your interested let me know. you will need to use pay pal. and i will need the payment first. i dont know how well known i am around here.... but im not a scammer. or if you think the prices on anything are wrong, either too high or too low. let me know. aaaanyway here is a list of the shit for sale. if this isnt allowed, if your a mod leave me a pm and ill edit it all out.


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Benny The Leak LMAO

Ahhhhh i remember these :)

I sold like couple hundred cards to my mate for like $25 when i was a kid (probly worth like $500) although they were like 75% fake Asian Chinese ones so probly not >.<

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i sold all my good ones for like 50 bucks each back in highschool :(

but i still have like 2k pokemon cards, 2 charizards, one almost mint. :shifty:

and a fuckton of other shinys, lugia, blastoise, venosaur, Nidoking,  heaps of shit, one day i hope it'll be worth heaps.

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i sold all my good ones for like 50 bucks each back in highschool :(

but i still have like 2k pokemon cards, 2 charizards, one almost mint. :shifty:

and a fuckton of other shinys, lugia, blastoise, venosaur, Nidoking,  heaps of shit, one day i hope it'll be worth heaps.

yeah, i have a few of those first edition charizards too. i just dont know where to sell them. maybe some kinda hobby shop?

Nobody will send you the money first.

red writing douche... it was established that if im not trusted then dont buy anything....

what should i put, i have no idea what this shit is worth tbh.

its 100 in shops so ud get maybe 70

its 100 in shops for the xbox360 slim with 250hd? i doubt that.

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Can you get a picture of red dead redemption? Doubt I trust you but Im thinking...

yeah, well your well known. if you want it you can pay after i ship it. or i can put it on ebay or what ever. if that makes it more trust worthy for you.


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lol yu-GAY-oh B) pokemon was best


fuck yeah pokemon>yugioh any day

and I have 1k+ pokemon cards, probably at least one of them is worth something decent

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