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A topic that's not about the wildy vote


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A lot of people have been skeptic of the fact that you can vote as many times as you want from the same IP, and only need a username to vote. Not only that, but people who do not want the wilderness back do not have a "no" option, and therefore only count as one vote(or even less, due to the fact that someone else will probably vote for the wilderness using their username) Personally, I think this is because jagex realize that they done fucked up, but don't want to look like they're weak and will constantly go back on their word so they turned that into "we want the players to decide", and made a vote which will almost 100% result in the wilderness and free trade coming back. Therefore, they can give the players what they want without looking like a bunch of pussy liars who can't keep a promise.

other opinions?


op is a genius

am i doing op thing right i just figured out what it is lol :D


yea im skeptical about this whole thing too bro


Thats prolly what happened. I dont care as long as it comes back though. Might start playing again. May even rejoin foe. Who know


op is a genius

am i doing op thing right i just figured out what it is lol :D

ur doing it right man!


they have their mind made up before they put this thing out, its called a publicity stunt

if it was for realsys theyd have specified a number and theyd have a no and yes vote available with real time counting

this is just so they can get more people to make rs accounts


op is a genius

am i doing op thing right i just figured out what it is lol :D

ur doing it right man!



Exactly what I tought. They'd gave way too much information about what they all can do. They wouldn't have done all this research and work if it all depended on a simple "collection of yes votes"(can't compare it to a legit poll)

Benny The Leak LMAO
Benny The Leak LMAO

What the fuck is your problem Shut up Kid.

Youve been trolling every1 for the past 10mins?

Get to bed earlier you fucking 12year old..


What the fuck is your problem Shut up Kid.

Youve been trolling every1 for the past 10mins?

Get to bed earlier you fucking 12year old..

Because you're a retarded kid who posted an obviously fake picture.


What the fuck is your problem Shut up Kid.

Youve been trolling every1 for the past 10mins?

Get to bed earlier you fucking 12year old..

no im not trolling, you, spade n head, rjc, are all fucking retarded kids. i fucking hate you, you are stupid as fuck, and you don't know shit about anything.


What the fuck is your problem Shut up Kid.

Youve been trolling every1 for the past 10mins?

Get to bed earlier you fucking 12year old..

no im not trolling, you, spade n head, rjc, are all fucking retarded kids. i fucking hate you, you are stupid as fuck, and you don't know shit about anything.


Benny The Leak LMAO

RJC you realllly are stupid as fuck.

Hes dissing you, you stupid fuck head piss face

Go suck his dick some more?

Hes obviously an angry 12 year old who enjoys trolling people

And I posted it because obviously Its interesting so it is probly fake (as i have stated in other posts, which yes you have also commented on shutupkid)

But if it is real them imma be mad. (not saying it is so you can fuck off idiot)


Relax all lol, we can speculate as much as we want, but time will prove if wildy returns, and on what terms. The pre-signs are good, but Jagex fucked up too many times to be sure about a good update.

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